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Several  folders are used to store files for IR Server Suite. However, the location of these folders and files can vary depending on the OS you use.

We have used a common method of naming these folders throughout the wiki and folder or file locations are always displayed in a different font.

There are basically two main areas where files are stored:

  1. Program Files \ IR Server Suite
    where the IRSS application files are stored (i.e. C:\Program Files\IR Server Suite\ in Vista or Windows 7)
  2. Program Data \ IR Server Suite
    where the IRSS configuration files are stored (i.e. C:\ProgramData\IR Server Suite\ in Vista or Windows 7)

IR Server Suite Files

Program Files

By default, the IR Server Suite is being installed in your Program Files folder. However, you may have changed this during installation. The most secure way to determine the actual location is by reading the registry key. 

  • Windows XP / Vista / 7
C:\Program Files\IR Server Suite\

* *64\-bit OS*

C:\Program Files (x86)\IR Server Suite\

* Variable

%ProgramFiles%\IR Server Suite\

* Registry (32\-bit):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IR Server Suite\InstallPath
  • Registry (64-bit): 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IR Server Suite\InstallPath

Since the actual location varies based on your OS, the location is referred to as* [programfiles]*\

Configuration Files

  • Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IR Server Suite\

* Windows Vista / 7

C:\ProgramData\IR Server Suite\

* Variable

%AllUsersProfile%\IR Server Suite\

Since the actual location varies based on your OS, the location is referred to as *\[userdata\]* or *Config folder*

Log files

The information contained in these log files will assist in troubleshooting your problems.

IR Server Suite Log files

* Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IR Server Suite\logs\??
  • Windows Vista / 7
C:\ProgramData\IR Server Suite\logs\

* Variable

%AllUsersProfile%\IR Server Suite\logs\

Since the actual location varies based on your OS, the location is referred to as *\[userdata\]\logs* or *Logs folder*.

MediaPortal 1 files

For MediaPortal application, configuration and log files please check [MediaPortal 1's wiki pages|Folder/File Locations].

Temporary files

The MediaPortal Installer (DeployTool) and various other applications store extracted files in the Temporary Files folder. * Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Local Settings\Temp\

* Windows Vista / 7


* Variable


Since the actual location varies based on your OS, the location is referred to as [temp]* or *Temp folder



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