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Translator is a small application, which translates IR input commands into instructions to control all kinds of functions. So you can control a lot of functions on the entire PC.
Respectively: Translator converts input into actions depending on what application has focus.

It starts hidden in the System Tray.

For configuration must you start Translators Setup. You find it in the context menu from the System Tray Icon.

The application will not launch automatically after installation, it needs to be launched manually from the Windows Start Menu. Once started, right-click the System Tray Icon and enter Setup. In the lower left corner is a checkbox that, when ticked, will auto-launch the Translator application every time Windows starts.

Translator must always be running to do his job!



You can map remote buttons to what you want. The default target for functions is "System Wide". This mean, that all commands which are defined in this section will work, regardless of the active program.

Over the green plus sign (right above) can you add all programs which you want to control by your remote controller. If such a program is selected than you can map remote buttons which only work for this program, if this has the focus.

Principle, illustrated by an example

The back button on the remote control should be the same as the ESC button on the keyboard.

Click on "+ New".

The message will be appear as below.

Press the Back button on the remote controller.

And this message appears for a short time.

After it the dialog as below will be showed.

Choose the Tab Keystrokes.

Fill out the field Description with a short description of this function.
Type "{ESC}" in the field Keystrokes and press the button "Set" followed with "OK".


Now has the remote controller button Back the same function as the ESC button on the keyboard. (System Wide)

Possibilities for Button Mapping

 Blast IR

Mapping of teached IR Commands from other remote controlls.
Use the Debug Client for teaching the IR Commands. (See context menu of System Tray Icon "IR Server.)

For teaching of IR commands is an ir receiver necessary.
e.g. Microsoft Remote Control and Receiver 1.0A for Media Center PC with Windows, Model: 1040



Mapping of user defined macros.



Mapping an application start.




Mapping of commands for sending over the serial port.


Windows Message



Mapping of one or more serial pressed buttons from the keyboard.
For details see the section Keystroke Syntax.



Mapping of mouse moves.



Mapping of several pre-defined miscellaneous functions.



  • Keine Stichwörter

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