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System-wide mappings in Translator will, as the name suggests, effect the entire system. However, this is not always convenient. To disable the system-wide mappings for a particular program all you need to do is create (or edit) a program item and check the box labeled "Ignore System-Wide mappings".

Microsoft MCE Remote

There are a number of problems that can occur when trying to learn IR commands.

  1. Interference: You should try to avoid possible sources of InfraRed interference by avoiding:
    • Direct sunlight
    • Plasma televisions (when on)
    • PDA, Laptop or PC IRDA ports
    • Fluorescent lights (including modern energy-saver lights)
  2. Unsupported IR protocol: Some devices use IR carrier frequencies greater than the limits of the device. For example, some air-conditioners use a carrrier frequency that cannot be detected. If the remote is recognised in the Debug Client (if it lists the remote button presses) then you should be able to "Learn" that command in which case you should refer to the first item in this list.
  3. Toggle bit: Some remote control protocols use what is called a "toggle bit" to effectively distinguish between individual button presses and/or held-down buttons. The data being sent by the button press remains the same, but the toggle bit will change depending on the protocol. Because some devices expect to see the toggle bit change from one press to another they will not react to repeated IR blasting, in this case you may need to source a discrete code from somewhere like Remote Central or relearn the command and use two copies that you alternate or send one after the other in a macro.

There are a number of problems that can occur when trying to blast IR commands to control other equipment. Here's a checklist you should run through to try to correct any problems.

  1. Ensure that the blaster bug is placed directly in front of the receiver panel on the device you are trying to control. A misaligned blaster is a very common problem.
  2. Try running Debug Client and placing the blaster directly in front of the MCE receiver, when you blast the command you should see Debug Client receive the button press. This will only work if the button code is of a recognized format, but it will prove the blaster is functioning correctly. In which case you should refer again to the first item in this list. If the button code is not received then you should attempt to re-learn the command and try again.
  3. If possible you should try to locate discrete codes for your device on Remote Central or using by searching for Pronto / CCF codes for your device using your favourite internet search engine.

For troubleshooting suspend and resume issues you should firstly make sure that you are running the latest Microsoft drivers. And then if your problems persist try the MCE Standby Tool.

By default the Microsoft MCE Remote drivers will automatically handle several buttons on the MCE remote and send key presses to the active program when those buttons are pressed. This can cause "double-presses" of those buttons if the program is also reacting to the buttons. For example, when running MP Control Plugin you may experience double-presses of the arrow keys, this is most likely caused by the MP Control Plugin acting on the button and duplicating the default response. It is quite simple to get around this problem and there are a number of ways you can do this.

  1. By removing the mappings for the repeated buttons and just relying on the drivers automatic handling. For example, in MP Control plugin you can either manually remove the mappings for the effected buttons, or you can change the remote preset to "Microsoft MCE (basic)".
  2. By preventing the driver from automatically handling those button presses. This makes the driver effectively behave like the old Replacement Driver, but with none of the disadvantages of that approach. There are detailed instructions here.
  3. By switching to the Replacement Driver (I do not recommend this because the Replacement driver does not handle IR Carrier frequencies and is not as versatile or accurate as the default driver).


If you have tried all the available solutions and still can't get around a problem you've encountered then you may have found a bug in the software. If you feel you have found a bug or would just like some additional assistance then go to the MediaPortal forums and post a new message in the MCE Replacement Plugin Sub-Forum.

Please include in your post a full description of the problem you're having along with the steps you follow to produce the problem and the following:

  • Operating System including Service Pack details
  • IR Server Suite version number/date
  • All IR Server Suite and MediaPortal log files (where applicable)
  • Input Service Receiver/Transmitter device details (For example, "Microsoft MCE Transceiver OEM with European/Australian RC6 MCE Remote")

Please also include any other relevant software version numbers or information that you feel will help locate the problem.



These can be found at the following hidden directory.  You may need to show hidden files, folders, or drives located under the organize menu>Folder Options>View within windows explorer

  • C:\ProgramData\IR Server Suite\Logs\

The following are within the Logs

  1. Debug Client.log
  2. Install.log
  3. IR Server Configuration.log
  4. IR Server Tray.log
  5. IR Server.log
  6. Translator.log



  • Keine Stichwörter

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