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Common control IDs used in MediaPortal

Common Control IDs

The following controls now have a consistent ID in most windows in MediaPortal, plugins should attempt to follow the same standards

  • 50 - facadeview
  • 2 - layout button (ViewAschanged to  Layouts as of 1.2.0 beta)
  • 3 - sort button
  • 5 - views button (Switch View)

Reserved Control IDs

In addition some control IDs are 'reserved' for specific use by MediaPortal and should not be used for specific plugin controls:

  • 0 - global ID skins can use for controls where no specific control ID is required
  • 1 - global ID skins can use for controls where no specific control ID is required
  • 99 - videowindow (skins often navigation to this control ID when video overlay/preview window is visible)

Duplicate Control IDs

Controls with non-unique IDs are not guaranteed to have the first control declared in the xml source returned by this method. This is a problem under specific circumstances,.

When creating skin xmls for your plugin, please note that control IDs, are inherited from references.xml and from imported xmls as well.

Note:  We recommend you test your skin for possible ID collisions. To test, simply load your skin and check the error.log file for details.



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