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MediaPortal provides a Downloads Repository for all extensions.  All stable extensions should be listed there.

Access the Repository

To access our Downloads Repository, select Downloads > Plugins and Skins from our MediaPortal main menu.

The main Categories window will display.


The repository has been divided into four main categories:

  1. Plugins -  to extend the features or functions of MediaPortal.
  2. Skins - to make MediaPortal look and work the way YOU want.
  3. HTPC - System Utilities, Tools and applications to customize your HTPC.  These tools are external applications, not plugins for MediaPortal.
  4. Logos - TV Channel or Radio station logos for your region, or media type logos (XviD, widescreen, 5.1 audio etc.) to enhance your display in MediaPortal.

Each category contains several sub-categories to help you find the extension or tool you are looking for.


You can navigate through the repository easily, by using either the 'breadcrumbs' which display at the top above the data on each page.

You may click on any 'level' in the hierarchy to quickly navigate there.


You may also browse the repository by using the Directory navigation panel on the right.

This is much like Windows Explorer and should be familiar to most users.

Search Extensions


You may restrict your search to a specific category of the Directory. Press the down arrow in the Categories box to select a category:

You may search the Repository by any word, keyword, tag, word in a title etc. Keep in mind that extensions often have unusual names which omit spaces. For example, if you search for "xfactor", you will not find the skin "X-Factor". However, if you search for "TV Series", or "Streamed MP", these searches will be successful even though the extension names are "MP-TVSeries" and "StreamedMP".

If you wish to search more specifically, or search by a field, click the Advanced Search link.

Find Compatible Extensions

One of the best new features of our Repository is the ability to search for only those extensions that are compatible with your installed version of MediaPortal.

As you can see in the screenshot above, this is very easy to do using Advanced Search. 

Just check the version you currently use and press Search to find all the compatible extensions.



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