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  • Required:  Yes
  • Type of Change:  Feature

Description of Change.

Settings section inside of MediaPortal was implemented in a very limited way, so users who need to change some simple things like share folders or file extensions need to exit MediaPortal and do the job in MediaPortal Windows configuration.

With this rework, almost all settings now are available directly in MediaPortal.

Many new skin XMLs are required, and most others have changed. For details see:

Skinners my refer to the Default skin files for reference and to What's New > Settings in MP GUI for screenshots.

Common XMLs

Three common XMls are used:

  • settings_Common_Extensions.xml (window ID 1001)  
  • settings_Common_Playlist.xml (window ID 1014) 
  • settings_Common_ShareFolders.xml (window ID 1000)

These link to specific control IDs for the button controls in several XMLs which support settings for File extensions, Playlists and folders - e.g. Videos, Music and Pictures settings.

Additional Information and References

Mantis Issue:


Related xml(s):

All settings skin files

Windows IDs:

List of all IDs

Related GUI control:




Date added:

Mon, 17 Sep 2012



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