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Using the Cover flow layout in MediaPortal
Cover flow is a layout for displaying a list of items that resembles the iPhone style cover flow. The layout is similar to the existing filmstrip layout.
The following video shows a short demonstration of the cover flow layout in the Videos section of MediaPortal:
You may select cover flow the same way you select other layouts, by using the Layouts button on the Menu. Cover flow view is available in the following windows (it may also be available in many plugins.):
- Videos
- Music
- Pictures
Use your remote control left and right navigation buttons (or keyboard arrow keys) to navigate left and right. Use your remote control select (or OK) button to perform the desired action on the selected item. In most skin implementations you should be able to access the action menu using your remote control up or down button or by navigating to the left of the first item or to the right of the last item.
A unique feature of cover flow is rotation of the selected item to reveal additional information. When you press your remote control Show Info button (usually the yellow remote key) or keyboard F3 key, the selected cover flow item will rotate 180° and show additional information (e.g. title, plot, genre,...) on it's backside. You can either press the Info button again to return to the front of the selected item or you can simply navigate away from the currently selected item.
Note: If your remote does not have a yellow key to Show Info, or any other key mapped to this function, you may map the 'Show Info' action to any key you wish. See Remote > Mapping Buttons.
Further Information
- For Skin Designers
- For Plugin Developers
GUICoverFlow Public Methods
Method Name | Parameter | Description |
Add | GUIListItem |
AddCard | GUIListItem, GUIListItem or GUIListItem, Integer | card, beforeCard or card, index |
AllocResources |
Animate | Float, Animator | timePassed, animator |
Clear |
DeleteCard | GUIListItem or Integer |
Dispose |
FinalizeConstruction |
GetCard | Integer |
GetSelectedCardIndex |
GetSelectedItem | String, String, String, String |
GUICoverFlow | Integer |
Insert | Integer, GUIListItem | index, card |
OnAction | Action |
OnMessage | GUIMessage |
PreAllocResources |
| Preallocates the control its DirectX resources. |
Render | Float | timePassed |
ReStorePosition |
| Method to restore the saved-current control rectangle |
SelectCard | GUIListItem or Integer |
ScaleToScreenResolution |
Sort | System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<GUIListItem> |
SpinningCardsHelper | Float, Float | curr, exp |
StorePosition |
| Method to store(save) the current control rectangle |
GUICoverFlow Public Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Angle | Float | Angle of the currently not selected cards (on the left and right side of the selected item). |
BackgroundDiffuse | Long |
BackgroundFileName | String | Path of the background image file. |
BackgroundHeight | Integer | Height of the background image. |
BackgroundWidth | Integer | Width of the background image. |
BackgroundX | Integer | X position of the background image. |
BackgroundY | Integer | Y position of the background image. |
Count | Integer |
DimColor | Integer | Color for a control when it is not focussed. Defaults to half transparent (0x60ffffff) |
EnableSMSsearch | Boolean |
FirstCardIndex | Integer |
ForegroundDiffuse | Long | Alpha mask for the foreground image. |
ForegroundFileName | String | Path of the foreground image file. |
ForegroundHeight | Integer | The height of the foreground image. |
ForegroundWidth | Integer | The width of the foreground image. |
ForegroundX | Integer | X position of the foreground image. |
ForegroundY | Integer | Y position of the foreground image. |
LastCardIndex | Integer |
OffsetY | Float | Y offset of the scrollview in relation to it's parent control. |
SelectedListItem | GUIListItem |
SelectedListItemIndex | Integer | The currently selected list item. |
SelectedOffsetY | Float | Y offsite (in the upper direction) of the selected item. |
ShowBackground | Boolean | Show the background image. |
ShowForeground | Boolean | Show the foreground image. |
SideDepth | Float | The depth of the unselected cards in relation to the selected item (how far "behind" the inactive cards are). |
SideGap | Float | Distance between the unselected cards (on the left and right side of the selected item). |
SideShift | Float | Distance between the middle (selected) item and the cards on the left and right side. |
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