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Due to some limitations in Windows Installer and the architecture of MPExtended and WebMediaPortal, the installation is a bit complex at this time. Please follow the installation guide to install


If you already have an earlier version of WebMediaPortal installed, you don't have to do anything special. Download the installer from our site, and execute it. Everything should be handled automatically.

If you are upgrading from 0.4.x, the user accounts you have created in WebMediaPortal will be deleted. Instead, you can now log in with the user accounts created in the standalone configuration program. The default login is username 'admin' and password 'admin'.

Fresh installation


MPExtended depends on the full .NET 4 framework, which you can download from the Microsoft site.

Install IIS Express

IIS Express is the webserver used by WebMediaPortal. It is available as a free download from Microsoft for Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Install MPExtended Services

WebMediaPortal gets its data from the MPExtended services, so you have to install it too. As far as WebMediaPortal is concerned, you only need to install it on the server. See the installation guide of the services for more details.

Install WebMediaPortal

Finally, you can install WebMediaPortal.

  • Download the installer from
  • The installer should be fairly straight-forward.
  • When installation is completed, the webinterface should be running at http://localhost:8080/.
  • By default, you can login with the username 'admin' and password 'admin'. You can create new accounts and delete the default account in the MPExtended Configuration program.
  • If you use a multiseat setup, you can configure the install location of the services under the Settings menu too.



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