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  • Required:  No
  • Type of Change:  Feature

By default #itemtype skin property is set to "items".   This change will override that value for music and video databaes views.

Description of Change

In music and video database screens #itemtype is now set to a localized string representing what is being shown on screen.

For example, if you have a music view defined as

Genre | Album Artist | Album | Tracks

then as you move down through he view view levels this property will get set to

genres | album artists | albums | tracks

When combined with #itemcount this can be used to show things such as 1 of 20 albums.

When a grouped view level (an index page) is used this will be set to a localized string for "Groups"

Additional Information and References

Mantis Issue:


Related xml(s):

mymusicgenres.xml, myvideoTitle.xml

Windows IDs:

504, 25

Related GUI control:




Date added:

Sat, 19 Feb 2011

XML/Code Samples







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