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 MediaPortal 1.34
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1.2.0 beta and later:
The SMS Virtual Keyboard has been removed, therefore smsKeyboard.xml is no longer used.


The MediaPortal keyboard has not previously been able to be modified (skinned).

We now introduce a skin-able keyboard implementation. The implementation is backward compatible in look and behavior however your skin is required to include two new skin xml files named stdKeyboard.xml and smsKeyboard.xml. If these skin files are not included in your skin the keyboard will not appear and no user indication of a problem will be presented. Default files (legacy keyboard look/feel) are available for your skin; simply copy them to your skin directory and your done (unless you would like to customize the defaults). You can find these files in the Blue3 and Blue3Wide skins distributed with MediaPortal.

Description of change

The two keyboard xml skin files (stdKeyboard.xm*l and *smsKeyboard.xml) must appear in the skin xml file directory. The default values in these skin xml files may be modified to the skin designers liking. The keyboard skin is defined only once for the whole skin implementation. It is not possible to have multiple keyboard designs for a single skin (although the std and sms keyboards may look different).

The default standard keyboard control specification is shown below. The image below shows a skinned keyboard example.

  <description>standard keyboard</description>


In MediaPortal 1.2 RC and later, it is also possible for skinners to use input mode GUI property: #VirtualKeyboard.SMSStyleInput

Property holds string value "true" when SMS input is active and "false" when in standard input mode.

Below is one possibility to utilize it.




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