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 MediaPortal 1.36
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This is a remote plugin, which is usefull when your remote can send events to EventGhost, Girder or a similar application. When this works, you can enable this plugin in MediaPortal, to let the application send actions (button presses) to MediaPortal.  Use it when MediaPortal does not support your remote controller or when you want complete control of what happens with your button presses.


This plugin listens for Windows Messages of the value 0x8000 (32768) with a WParam of 0x18 (24). It passes the LParam straight into the Input Handler.  So LParam must represent a Remote Button from the list below.


The MP Extionsion installer copies 2 files:

  1. MessagePlugin.dll in the MediaPortal\Plugins\Process\ folder.
  2. MessagePlugin.xml in the %Base%\defaults\InputDeviceMappings\ folder.
    After that, you might configure the plugin in MediaPortal Configuration You can find it under process plugins.

    Configure message sender application


    First, you need to enable a plugin for your remote controller in EventGhost, so that EventGhost recognizes the button-presses.
    When your remote button-presses show up in EventGhost:
  3. Enable the MediaPortal plugin in EventGhost
  4. A new tree of macros appears with all possible buttons
  5. Press on your remote keys, they will show up in the log at the left
  6. Drag the events, which have an lightning icon in front of it, to the desired macro.
  7. Now, when you press the button, the macro is being executed and so is your button send to MP.



    ByRemote HIP

    Download it here:
    You can find a config file here

    Remote Buttons

    NumPad0 = 0
    NumPad1 = 1
    NumPad2 = 2
    NumPad3 = 3
    NumPad4 = 4
    NumPad5 = 5
    NumPad6 = 6
    NumPad7 = 7
    NumPad8 = 8
    NumPad9 = 9
    Clear = 10
    Enter = 11
    Power2 = 12
    Start = 13
    Mute = 14
    Info = 15
    VolumeUp = 16
    VolumeDown = 17
    ChannelUp = 18
    ChannelDown = 19
    Forward = 20
    Rewind = 21
    Play = 22
    Record = 23
    Pause = 24
    Stop = 25
    Skip = 26
    Replay = 27
    OemGate = 28
    Oem8 = 29
    Up = 30
    Down = 31
    Left = 32
    Right = 33
    Ok = 34
    Back = 35
    DVDMenu = 36
    LiveTV = 37
    Guide = 38
    AspectRatio = 39
    MyTV = 70
    MyMusic = 71
    RecordedTV = 72
    MyPictures = 73
    MyVideos = 74
    Print = 78
    MyRadio = 80
    Teletext = 90
    Red = 91
    Green = 92
    Yellow = 93
    Blue = 94
    PowerTV = 101
    Messenger = 105
    Power1 = 165
    Author: Dragy
    Date Created: 05-01-2012



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