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By default focus will not be set to dynamic content (top tracks / similar tracks) list controls within music now playing screen


  • Required:  No
  • Type of Change:  Feature

Previously focus would be forced by music plugin to the list controls when they were populated.   This change stops that happening so skinners are able to control the focus as they wish.   Provision is made to keep the existing functionality.

Description of Change

The change looks for a dummy label control with ID 888 within the music now playing skin files.  If this control is present the plugin will set focus as it does now.   This control does not have to be visible just defined in the skin file.

If no changes are made to the skin file (ie. a label with ID 888 does not exist) then no focus will be set by plugin

Discussion here

Additional Information and References

  • Mantis Issue:  3082 (forum links are to internal team forums)
  • Related xml(s):  MyMusicPlayingNow, MyMusicPlayingNowAnVU, MyMusicPlayingNowLedVU
  • Window ID:  510
  • Related GUI property/control:  Label with ID 888



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