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  • Required:  Yes
  • Type of Change:  Feature

New buttons added for main menu

Description of Change

New buttons were added/updated to enhance usability in MyVideos:

Main screens (folder or database views)

Scan Button

  • Control id: 7
  • Label language id: 102
  • Type: button
  • Functionality: scans new movies in folders checked for scan in MyVideos Database configuration (link to settings in wiki required)
  • Skin files: myvideo.xml, myvideoTitle.xml

MovieInfo screen (DialogVideoInfo.xml)

Cast ToggleButton

  • Control id: 4
  • Label language id: 206
  • Type: togglebutton
  • Functionality: Shows cast list for movie
  • Skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml

Refresh Button

  • Control id: 5
  • Label language id: 184
  • Type: button
  • Functionality: Double function (refresh movie or actors, depends if plot or actors list are visible)
  • Skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml

Cast Listcontrol

  • Control id: 24
  • Label language id:  NA
  • Type: listcontrol
  • Functionality: Shows actors list for movie (replacement for old textbox control with id 22)
    • Old control still exists for compatibility purpose
  • Skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml

Note: Expose only label1 text in this control, label2 and 3 are used internally and should not be visible

Actor Image

  • Control id: 25
  • Label language id: NA
  • Type: image
  • Functionality: Shows selected actor image
  • Texture property: #actorThumb
  • Skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml

Rename Button

  • Control id: 26
  • Label language id: 118
  • Type: button
  • Functionality: Rename movie title
  • Skin file: DialogVideoInfo.xml

Actor info screen (DialogVideoArtistInfo)

Note: This is now a normal GUIWindow, not a DialogWindow

Actors Movies ListControl

  • Control id: 24
  • Label language id: NA
  • Type: listcontrol
  • Functionality: Shows actors movie list (replacement for old text control with id 22, it still exists for compatibility purpose)
  • Skin file: DialogVideoArtistInfo.xml

Note: Expose only label1 text in this control, label2 and 3 are used internally and they should not be visible

Selected Movie Image (from actor movie list)

  • Control id: 25
  • Label language id: NA
  • Type: image
  • Functionality: Shows selected actor movie cover (if it's available)
  • Texture property: #Actor.MovieImage
  • Skin file: DialogVideoArtistInfo.xml

Movie Plot TextBoxScrollUp

  • Control id: 26
  • Label language id: NA
  • Type: textboxscrollup
  • Functionality: Shows short plot for selcted movie in actor movies list
  • Text property: #Actor.MoviePlot
  • Skin file: DialogVideoArtistInfo.xml

Additional Information and References

Mantis Issue:

Related xml(s):

myvideo.xml, myvideoTitle.xml, DialogVideoInfo.xml, DialogVideoArtistInfo.xml

Windows IDs:

6, 25, 2003, 614

Related GUI control:




Date added:

Mon, 21 May 2012

XML/Code Samples



See What's New > 1.3.x > UI Related Changes > Videos



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