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  • Required:  No
  • Type of Change:  Feature

New enhancements and additions to current skin properties usable in MyVideos

Description of Change

List of new properties:

Common Properties

The follow properties apply to:

  • myvideo.xml
  • myvideoTitle.xml
  • DialogVideoInfo.xml
  • myvideoplaylist.xml

Note: MyVideo Playlist screen (myvideoplaylist.xml) was updated and can now show all movie properties together with mediainfo information and visibility condition for labels and values related to movieinfo.

Visibility condition:

  • #hideinfo (True/False)
  • Use for visibility condition to hide labels and values for video files not in the database (videos without movie info).  Use this on all labels and values related to movie info so they can be autohidden on selected video without entries in videodatabase (video is not scanned)
  • Property will have value "False" when movie is in the videodatabase
  • <visible>string.equals(#hideinfo, False)</visible>

Movie info properties:

  • #studios (Movie studios)**
  • #language (Movie language)**
  • #country (Movie country)**
  • #movieId - video database move id
  • #watchedpercent (0-100) *
    • current video file watched status (how much is played)
    • no need to be in the video database -> scanned, can be applied to share view screen
  • #watchedcount (0-n)*
    • how many times we watched some video file
    • no need to be in the video database -> scanned, can be applied to share view screen
  • #videoruntime (H:M!!) - real time video file duration (for stacked video files it will show full time duration for all files)
    • no need to be in the video database -> scanned, can be applied to share view screen
  • #strrating - IMDB rating in text (n/10)
  • #lastupdate (text, date of last vdb update)

* Watched percentage and watchedcount properties are also visible as one in label3 in listcontrol as text, so there is no need to use them as separate properties. It's up to skin designer how to use this.

** Data currently will be scraped only with IMDB_MP13x, and imdb_de_ofdb_MP13x scrapers.

Video media info properties

  • #VideoCodec
  • #VideoResolution
  • #AudioCodec
  • #AudioChannels
  • #HasSubtitles (True/False)
    • <visible>string.equals(#HasSubtitles, True)</visible>
    • <texture>logos\subtitles.png</texture>
  • #AspectRatio

myvideoTitle.xml (Actors, Directors views)

  • #Actor.Name
  • #Actor.DateOfBirth
  • #Actor.PlaceOfBirth
  • #Actor.DateOfDeath
  • #Actor.PlaceOfDeath
  • #hideActorinfo(True, False) -> used for visibility condition to hide labels and values in database views when view is not directors or actors -> False=Visible, True=Hide
  • #lastupdate (date of last vdb update)
  • #groupmovielist (text, list of movies in selected group)


Note: This screen received serious face-lifting. To see examples of all enhancements check MediaPortal Default/Wide skin files

Actor info and actor movie list

  • #Actor.MoviePlot ->movie plot for current selected actor movie from the movie list
  • #Actor.MovieImage ->movie cover for current selected actor movie from the movie list
  • #imdbnumber ->imdb tt number for current selected actor movie from the movie list
  • #Actor.MovieExtraDetails ->extra details (Actors, genres, director..) for current selected actor movie from the movie list
  • #Actor.MovieTitle ->Movie title for current selected actor movie from the movie list
  • #movieid ->videodatbase movieId for current selected actor movie from the movie list (if we have it in our database)
  • #Actor.Name
  • #Actor.DateOfBirth
  • #Actor.PlaceOfBirth
  • #Actor.DateOfDeath
  • #Actor.PlaceOfDeath
  • #Actor.LastUpdate (txt, shows date of last actor info and actor movielist update)


Latest Media (for basic start menu MyVideos - updates on MP start or on new Movie entry into video database)

  • #myvideos.latestN.title
  • #myvideos.latestN.genre
  • #myvideos.latestN.runtime
  • #myvideos.latestN.year
  • #myvideos.latestN.dateAdded
  • #myvideos.latestN.thumb
    • N = 1-3

Visibility conditions (to hide labels and values when there is no any entry in the video database)

  • #myvideos.latest1.enabled (true, false) ->for visibility condition
  • #myvideos.latest2.enabled (true, false) ->for visibility condition
  • #myvideos.latest3.enabled (true, false) ->for visibility condition

Additional Information and References

Mantis Issue:

Related xml(s):

myvideo.xml, myvideoTitle.xml, DialogVideoInfo.xml, DialogVideoArtistInfo.xml, myvideoplaylist.xml

Windows IDs:

6, 25, 2003, 614

Related GUI control:




Date added:

Mon, 21 May 2012

XML/Code Samples

All properties are implemented in new Default and DefaultWide MediaPortal skins so you can easily check how they are used.


See What's New > 1.3.x > UI Related Changes > Videos for sample screenshots.



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