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Skinners have historically created the effect of shadow text by duplicating (for example) labels in the skin (shadow first followed by the overlapping foreground text). With this modification skinner can now use the following attributes to specify a shadow on the text.

Description of change

  • shadowAngle - the integral angle, in degrees, of the shadow text. Zero degrees is along the x-axis, increasing positive values from zero will rotate the shadow clockwise.
  • shadowDistance - the number of pixels the shadow is offset from the normal (foreground) text.
  • shadowColor - the color of the shadow.

Here is a list of controls that support these attributes:

  • Button
  • CheckButton
  • CheckList
  • FadeLabel
  • Label
  • List
  • Menu
  • PlayListItemList
  • PlayListButton
  • SelectButton
  • ThumbnailPanel
  • ToggleButton
  • UpDownButton
  • UpDownList

XML/Code Samples

The xml code for this:



The following image shows an example of the new feature:



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