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- Type of Change: Feature
Added new skin settings functions. All skin settings are saved to a new SkinSettings.xml file. Each skin has it's own settings.
Description of Change
The functions listed below are added:
- skin.setbool(setting) - Sets the skin setting 'setting' to true. The skin setting can be used to control visibility by specifying skin.hassetting(setting) with the <visible> tag. The setting is saved in the file "SkinSettings.xml".
- skin.togglesetting(setting) - Toggles the skin setting 'setting'. The skin setting can be used to control visibility by specifying skin.hassetting(setting) with the <visible> tag.
- skin.setstring(string[,value[,kb_prompt]]) - Sets a skin property. Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a string which can be used in a label control elsewhere in the skin via a skin property (e.g. #my_property). If the value parameter is specified, the keyboard dialog does not pop up, and the string is set directly. The setting is saved in the file "SkinSettings.xml".
- skin.string(string,value) - Compares the skin setting 'string' to 'value'. The skin setting was previously set via skin.setstring(). This is functionally equivalent to string.equals() except that the setting name 'string' exists in the file "SkinSettings.xml".
- skin.reset(setting) - Resets the skin setting 'setting'. If 'setting' is a boolean setting (i.e. set via skin.setbool() or skin.togglesetting()), the setting is reset to false. If 'setting' is a string (set via skin.setstring()), it is set to empty (the zero-length string).
- skin.resetsettings - Resets all of the boolean and string skin settings to their default values: booleans are set to false, and strings are set to empty (the zero-length string).
Note the following points:
- Function names are case sensitive when used in expressions.
- Each skin has its own settings file "SkinSettings.xml".
- In most cases 'setting' should be a quoted string containing the name of a skin setting.
Example: skin.togglesetting('#skin.tvguide.usecolorsforbuttons')
Additional Information and References
- Mantis Issue: 3411
- Related xml(s): SkinSetting.xml and all xmls where skin settings are used
- Window ID:
- Related GUI property/control:
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