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Skin changes by version for My Films.
Changes by Version
See Skin Properties for details of the properties supported and the sub pages for further information on skinning specific features for MyFilms. For examples, refer to the Default skin files provide with the plugin.
MyFilms attempts to make new features backwards compatible, or optional whenever possible, so your skin will still work (even if some features may not).
Minor Changes
These changes will increase the minor skin version number (see Skinning My Films).
Warning: In spite of the required change, the skin version number has not been bumped for 6.1.0 to give skins time to update. However the skin version number will be increased for the next release of MyFilms, so be sure to make the change in the next release of your skin so users won't get a warning message in future.
1. New Skin file:
(id 7997) - displays a cover icon in the dialog to aid visual selection of a Group cover - required for Collection cover downloads. If it doesn't exist users will get the missing xml message.
2. Certification logos by country See Skinning Logos > Certification logos by country for more information.
Skins may implement the above method OR use the following new skin properties to display Certification logos without using MyFilms logos rules (i.e. texture #myfilms.logos_id20xx):
- (displays the country selected in logos setup or fall back to MP Language if no country is set)
- #myfilms.db.certification.logo.value - cleaned up version of #myfilms.db.certification.value to display only actual certification, not country or other text. Recommended for better matching of certification values to logo images!
Warning: Using this method will disable user's option to use MyFilms Default logos pack.
3. Movie thumbs - two new control IDs to display movie thumbs generated from the movie file:
- Multiimage - ID 1002 - will display all available movie thumbs 'cycling' in one multiimage control
- Thumbnailpanel: - ID 51 - will load all available (16) movie thumbs in big (large) icon layout
In addition:
- a new dummy control <id>45</id> can be used for visibility of the movie thumbs
- a play button control - ID 10100 can be added, so the thumbnailpanel can be implemented by "onright" of existing 10099 (FullFanartView)
See Movie Thumbs for further details.
Optional Changes
The following skin changes may be used by skinners if they wish, but do not increase the skin version number.
1. IMDB ID - new skin properties: #myfilms.db.imdb_id.label, #myfilms.db.imdb_id.value - skins may display IMDB ID if they wish or use that for mechanisms, that require the IMDB ID.
2. Trakt Menu button - ID 110 - for skins who wish to add a button in Details Window to access Trakt menu (as well as via the My Films context menu)
Test Mode
A new button is available in MyFilms Setup to enable Test mode. This unlocks upcoming features for the next release which are ready for testing, and allows skins time to skin and test features prior to the release of the next version.
Skins may display a label to indicate when test mode is enabled. For example in the Default Skin,
#(iif(neq(#myfilms.config.pluginmode,'normal'),' | #myfilms.config.pluginmode mode',''))
has been added to the <label> of the 'Config, User Name, Test Mode' control
Minor Changes
Certification Logos - Logos rules (
) now support Certification logos if your skin provides them in the skin
folder or any sub-folder of that folder.
No changes are needed to skin XML files. If your skin displays mediainfo logos, and provides certification logos with names matching the logos rules, they will display automatically.
If you use your own custom logos rules in the skin folder, you may modify them based on this file. See Skinning Logos for more details.
for the default MyFilms certification logos.
Optional Changes
- Movie Title in 'Info for Related Persons' persons views = #myfilms.moviecontext.value
6.0.1 (6.0 stable release)
Optional Changes
- Skinnable wait animation is now supported in all windows/cases- skins may add wait animation (control ID 2080) to MyFilmsCoverManager.xml - however if the control is not present, My Films will 'fall back' to MP Wait cursor.
6.0.0 (6.0 beta release)
As of v 6.0.0 skin changes are described in the Skinning My Films and Skin Properties pages - just search by the version number to find the changes for each version.
However, the following provides an overview/list of the changes for v 6.0.0
Required changes
- Skin Version Check - required, as MyFilms checks the proper skin version on start and will notify user via warning or error about incompatible skin version
Cover Manager - new
(ID 7997)
Select multiple items in GUI for internet update - new
(ID 7993)
- Big Icon List layout - provides an alternate list layout with more details, such as Edition name, watched/unwatched icons, etc.
- User defined display items for Details screen: handled separately to the existing ones for the Main screen. Thus users can change the content to be displayed separately for Main and Details screens.:
- The existing #myfilms.user.item(1-5).value skin properties apply to the Main screen.
- New properties for Details screen::
- #myfilms.user.detailsitem(1-6).value
- #myfilms.user.detailsitem(1-6).label
- #myfilms.user.detailsitem(1-6).field (for conditional visibility)
- If the user does not configure those values in MyFilms setup, default (preset) values are displayed.
- Skinners are kindly asked to support both custom fields on main and details (overview) page, as this is the prerequisite for the ability to switch that content via setup and from MyFilms GUI ("Display Options") - see Custom Display Fields for usage details.
- Multi user states skin properties (required change if used in your skin but recommended anyway)
- change #myfilms.config.currentusername ->
- change #myfilms.config.currentuseronlinestatus -> #myfilms.user.onlinestatus
- change #myfilms.user.watched.count -> #myfilms. user.watchedcount.value #myfilms. user.watchedcount.label
- change -> #myfilms.user.watchedcountglobal.value
- add #myfilms.user.watcheddate.value #myfilms.user.watcheddate.label - date current user last watched the film
- Separate properties for person info (required change if used in your skin - was loaded into movie properties before)
- #myfilms.person.biography.value, #myfilms.person.biography.label
- #myfilms.person.dateofbirth.value, #myfilms.person.dateofbirth.label
- #myfilms.person.placeofbirth.value, #myfilms.person.placeofbirth.label
- Aspect Ratio - AMC4 catalogs support the new extended db field for Aspect Ratio, although the previous 'calc' field must still be supported for AMC3 catalog types. Thus skins must:
- change #myfilms.db.calc.aspectratio.label -> #myfilms.db.aspectratio.label (optional)
- add #myfilms.db.aspectratio.value
- change visibility on #myfilms.db.calc.aspectratio.value to display only if #myfilms.db.aspectratio.value is empty
See Default skin files for reference.
- Logos - many logo rules have changed to support the new extended fields, as well as Default skin logos in MP v 1.3.0. If you display logos in your skin, you may need to rename some logos, or provide your own modified logos rules in the skin folder to ensure all logos display (See Skinning Logos for details)
Optional Changes
- Group Count - New skin property: #myfilms.user.mastertitle.groupcount - displays the count of films within a ''group' such as trilogies, box sets, series, etc.
- Status Icons (watched and unwatched for local and remote) in List Facade View
- Up to six Actor Names, Roles and Images:,,
- Item count - #Itemcount > #myfilms.nbobjects.value - recommended - displays the full count of all films including those in groups
- Audio Channels - two new skin properties are available for display of audio channels:
- #myfilms.db.audiochannelcount.label, #myfilms.db.audiochannelcount.value
- View images - new image properties which allow skins to display more than one image in a window - e.g. an actors image when viewing a list of films for that actor.
- Views menu - new image properties for displaying Custom View images on the Views menu
- New dummy controls for visibility in: Views Menu, 'normal', 'persons' or indexed views, as well as for film or group lists.
- New property "#myfilms.isplaying" to indicate to skin, if My Films is actively playing a media file ("true") - this allows skins to customize the VIdeo OSD for My Films if they wish.
- Image download status message - #myfilms.details.downloadstatus - will indicate the remaining person images from background loader
- #currentmodule - now displays the plugin name, current config, view and selection/filter info so skins may optionally choose to use it instead of the separate skin properties
- #myfilms.config.version (MyFilms version) and #myfilms.config.mpversion (Mediaportal version) are available as skin properties for skins who wish to support multiple versions in one skin file.
- separate properties for film and trailer source - often full path names are too long to display nicely in a skin, so skins may now use separate properties to display the movie and trailer source files (e.g. in Details screen Tech details virtual view)
- #myfilms.user.source.filepath
- #myfilms.user.source.filename
- #myfilms.user.source.shortname
- #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.filepath
- #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.filename
- #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.shortname (5.1 stable release)
- two new skin properties to display hierarchy/group names (optional)
- #myfilms.user.mastertitle.groupname
- #myfilms.user.secondarytitle.groupname
- Example: Harry Potter\Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 'Harry Potter' can now be displayed as a separate group name ('Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" already displays as the #myfilms.user.mastertitle.value) (1.2.0 Beta 2)
- New Enhanced Watch Status properties - three new skin properties have been added to display the user profile name, watched count and global count for each film in multi-user setups (i.e. when each user has a different config)
- #myfilms.user.watched.count
These properties can be used with visibility control to display only when a global watched count is available e.g.
- in Main Window (only displays in list/icons layouts):
- <visible>!control.isvisible(34)+!facadeview.filmstrip+!facadeview.coverflow*+string.equals(* +!string.contains(#myfilms.globalfilter.unwatched,True)</visible>
- in Details Window:
- <visible>!Control.HasFocus(10099)+*string.equals(*</visible>
- Status Message - new property for skins to display status messages from the plugin - such as "global update active"
- #myfilms.statusmessage
- can also be used with visibility to display an image such as an animated icon during processing
- <visible>string.equals(#myfilms.statusmessage)</visible> (1.2.0 Beta)
- added led_grey.png for trailer and film display when media availability is unknown (i.e. when users do not enter file info in any source field but use 'search mode' to find movie files. Used with visibility #myfilms.user.source.isonline,unknown. e.g.
<visible>!control.isvisible(34)+string.equals(#myfilms.user.source.isonline,unknown)</visible> (1.2.0 Beta)
- Media Available Properties - two additional user properties have been added to display media available (online) icons:
- #myfilms.user.source.isonline - Boolean field (True/False) used for visibility of film available (online) icon
- #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.isonline- Boolean field (True/False) used for visibility of trailer available (online) icon
- New and Changed Graphics (in Media\MyFilms skin sub folder)
- trailer_led_green.png and trailer_led_red.png renamed to led_green.png and led_red.png
- led_yellow.png added for media NOT available (i.e. offline)
- online.png added for new global filter - 'Show only films with media available"
- All 'obsolete' graphics have now been removed from media\MyFilms folder. (1.2.0 Beta)
- User Display Items - two additional user display items have been added:
- #myfilms.user.item4.label, #myfilms.user.item4.value
- #myfilms.user.item5.label, #myfilms.user.item5.value
These properties should be added to the Overview virtual view in MyFilmsDetail.xml. Thus the Overview becomes essentially a 'user customizable' view with all user defined display properties (1->5) and users can select which fields, (or extended fields for External Catalogs) display there.
- Menu Button IDs - have changed to conform to MP 1.2.0 standards:
- Layout button [2] (ViewAs > Layouts)
- Sort button [3]
- Views button (Switch View) [5]
- Options button has changed to [6] since Views button now uses Id [5]
In addition skin files are now provided for the new Default Skins, including Coverflow layout and many 1.2.0 skin features.
- CoverImage - new property #myfilms.coverimage can be used in MyFilms.xml to delay image processing when browsing quickly in list facades. Thus images do not 'flash' while scrolling.
- Global Filters... button (required) - control ID 7 - new button 'Global Filters...' (label localized by plugin) added to Menu for quick access to: Unwatched, Trailers Only and Minimum Rating filters.
- Global Filter properties - #myfilms.globalfilter.unwatched, #myfilms.globalfilter.trailersonly, #myfilms.globalfilter.minrating, - used for visibility of filter icons when a global filter is 'on' + #myfilms.globalfilter.minratingvalue if skin wishes to display the current value for minimum rating (not used in default skin files)
Note: My Films automatically displays the localized text "Filtered" as part of whenever any global filter is 'on' - Configuration Filter (optional) - new property - #myfilms.config.configfilter - displays the value of any 'User defined Config Filter' selected by the user in Setup > Views/Filters. This property may also be used conditionally to display a 'filtered' icon, or localized text,if a global filter is active
- Watched Status - #myfilms.user.watched.value - can also be used for watch icons visibility - checks the value the users enters in Setup for watched status handling
- Trailer Count - #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.count - displays the current count of local trailers 'registered' for the film
- Film/Trailer Present Icons - can be added with visibility controls using #myfilms.db.source.value and #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.value
- Skin xml names - changed from 'MesFilms*.xml' to 'MyFilms*.xml' etc. to be consistent with the plugin name as well as all folders and files provided or used with the plugin (MesFilms_Visible.xml is no longer required)
- Facade control ID - changed from 1026 to 50 to be consistent with most facade control IDs in MediaPortal
- Database properties - all fields from an Ant Movie Catalog (AMC) have been exposed to the skin. See Skinning My Films for an overview, and Skin Properties for details.
- View properties - #myfilms.view and have been added to allow the skin to display the current view name and any values selected by the user.
- Configuration properties - Plugin name (#myfilms.config.pluginname) and current active configuration (#myfilms.config.currentconfig), have been added
- Menu labels - now use localized properties
- *#itemcount -* now supported (so #nbobjects is deprecated)
- Logos Configuration - MyFilmsLogos.xml enables automatic logos configuration for media info or other logos. Skins may provide their own MyFilmsLogos.xml in the skin folder to specify their own logos rules, link to different folders, or add additional logos. My Films will first look for this file in the skin folder, if not found it will use the default MyFlmslogos.xml in the MediaPortal Data folder.
- New logos controls - 2012 (to combine logos 2001 and 2002) and 2003 - to display different logos in different positions in skin files, or group them together
- User Item3 Label - label added for user item3 - #myfilms.user.item3.label
- Trailers - #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.label, #myfilms.user.sourcetrailer.value - can be used to display the filename(s) of any local trailers the use has 'registered' in their AMC database, based on the field for Trailer info selected in Setup > Trailers
- Fanart - new visibility control <id>35</id> when fanart is found
- MyFilms.xml - #myfilms.Fanart, #myfilms.Fanart2 - displays only the main fanart but fades images when browsing the facade
- MyFilmsDetail.xml - #myfilms.Fanart, plus mulitimage control <id>1001 displays all fanart My Films downloads to a fanart folder {movie name}
- Options button - new button <id>5 for MyFilms.xml
- *Detail Virtual Views -* four new 'virtual' views for MyFilmsDetail.xml: Description, Actors, Comments and Technical Info in addition to the standard (Overview) Detail view.
- Detail Menu - MyFilmsDetail.xml
- new sliding menu for all navigation buttons plus Update Button <id>107 renamed to Options (new string id=496)
- Trailers button - new button <id>109
- Play button - <id>101 changed to <id>10000 - no button is displayed, the control is 'activated' whenever 'Enter/OK' key is pressed.
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