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  • Required:  No
  • Type of Change:  Bug Fix

Various labels need support for optional maximum text length independent of the actual gfx size to prevent overlapping

Description of Change

A new textpadding property has been added to the following controls:

  • Button
  • Button3Part - and textpadding2 
  • CheckButton
  • MenuButton
  • SelectButton - and textpadding2
  • SpinButton
  • Togglebutton

Padding provides "space" inside the label text itself.. So it actually shortens the text preventing overlaps with graphics that follow on the right of a label or list.

Note: Textpadding for:

  • ListControl - and textpadding2, textpadding3
  • Playlistcontrol - and textpadding2, textpadding3

has been deferred to a later release to avoid skin changes in 1.3.0 RC/Final.

Additional Information and References

Mantis Issue:


Related xml(s):

references.xml or any xml that uses these control types

Windows IDs:


Related GUI control:

Button, Button3Part, CheckButton,MenuButton, SelectButton, SpinButton, ToggleButton, ListControl, PlaylistControl



Date added:

Sun, 27 Jan 2013

XML/Code Samples

The following example from Titan Skin shows the use of textpadding within a Style definition:

<style Name="SettingsCheckButton">






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