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A new Trakt plugin has been developed with better sync and watched flags management, completely compatible with the new User Management system, allowing different Trakt accounts for different users.

The new trakt plugin supports on screen notification for successful/unsuccessful scrobbles and automatic library sync for collected movies and episodes.

It's also now possible to choose what to sync, if only movies, or tv series, or both.

More Info

For more information about the Trakt plugin, see:


Download the plugin zip from here.

  1. Close your MediaPortal 2 client and extract/copy the Trakt folder to the client plugin directory (by default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Client\Plugins
  2. Start the client

Getting Started

Go to Trakt in the Settings section Settings → Plugins → Trakt.

The settings sections looks as follows:

Authorization and syncing

The first thing to do once you have installed the plugin is to fire Mediaportal 2 client and log in with the account you want your trakt profile be configured. If you don't use user management you can skip this step.

Then navigate to Settings → Plugins → Trakt → Authorization and Syncing.

From there, a new page with an authorization code request appears. Open your browser and go to or scan the QR code with your mobile, then add the code you find in the page to the trakt plugin. (you might need to enter your credentials)

Then hit authorize. The red caption should turn to Authorized! and the plugin should be working from now on.

Leave the program open for a few minutes until it sync your library and watched flags with Mediaportal 2 and backwards.

You can now move to the settings section below to see what each setting does.

Other plugin settings

The new trakt plugins improves and expands the functionality of the old one with tunable scrobble and sync notifications. 

  • Enable Scrobble: If enabled, communicates to trakt when you start or stop a scrobble.
  • Enable Automatic library sync with trakt: Automatically adds to trakt any new show or movie imported to your library.
  • Scrobble Start Notifications: If enabled, a scrobble notification slides from the lower-right side of the screen when a new play starts.
  • Scrobble Stop Notifications: If enabled, a scrobble notification slides from the lower-right side of the screen when a play is stopped.
  • Automatic Library Sync Notifications: Notify when trakt detects and sync a new item from Mediaportal library to trakt.
  • Library Sync Options: You can choose to sync and scrobble Movies, Tv Series or both.

Below an example of a Scrobble Start Notification.



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