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This section describes how to interact with one of the newest features of Media Portal 2, User Management.

Thanks to user management you'll be able to create different profiles with different settings, different privileges, and different skins. Each profile will maintain its own set of watched status.

The user management is a server side feature, meaning all the profiles are saved on the server portion of Media Portal 2 and then distributed through all the clients where the User Management Feature is enabled.


At the moment only watched status is maintained between different clients installations. User settings are stored per seat, which means every user can have different settings (and different skin) per different seats.

User Settings

To configure and enable User Management you first have to attach to the home server.
Then navigate to Settings -> Users. From there you'll have the option to configure the following features:

  • Enable logins and user restrictions: Once configured all user profiles as intended, this settings enabled the user management system for the client.
  • Enable Login Screen: With this settings every time you start Media Portal you'll be presented with a login screen to chose your profile.

  • Automatic Logout: Logs user out after a period of idling defined in Automatic logout idle time-out.
  • Automatic logout idle time-out: The configured time of idling after which an account is logged out.
  • Automatic Login: Configures a profile to be logged in automatically when Media Portal starts, disabling the login screen at start-up.
  • User Management: Opens the User management interface to add, remove, and customize users.

User Management

User Profiles

Each profile can be assigned different privileges to access different portions of the system.
When you first create a new user account, you'll be asked to choose which template to apply to that account.

  • Administrator Template: Similar to client account profiles, this is a user with the highest privileges settings available. It has access to all the settings available.
  • Teenager Template: Teenager profiles are restricted to watch rated content under 13 and can access Media Portal configuration and its own profile.
  • Child Template: Have no privileges at all and can only watch rated content under 5.


Templates can be applied to a new user account, which can be later further restricted or relaxed.

Description of Privileges

You can restrict privileges for each user as you wish. Below there's an explanation of all settings and their result.

  • Password: Protect the selected profile with a password at login.


A password can contain lower and upper-case characters, unlike PIN. If you enabled SMS keyboard on settings, remember that double digits requires a little time-out before being inserted again. For example, if your password is "12300789" you'll have to wait a few seconds after hitting the second "zero" otherwise you'll convert the first one to a space, thus entering "123 789"

  • Restrict actions: Select this option to restrict actions for the current profile.
    • Media: Delete Media from storage: Removes the "Delete" action from the context menu for media items. User cannot delete media any more.
    • Settings
      • Settings: - Access configuration: Allow user to configure its own Media Portal settings.
      • Settings: - Management of media sources: Allow user to manage media sources, add new folder and remove existing ones.
      • Settings: Manage All User Profiles: Allow user to change all users profile settings, including his own. Can disable user management.
      • Settings: Manage own profile: Allow User to change his user name and password.
    • TV
      • TV: Delete Recordings: Allow user to delete TV recordings globally.
      • TV: Group: {Channel Group}: Allow user to see programs inside {Channel Group}.

  • Limit share access: Limit profile access to defined shares.
  • Enable Age Filter: Limit profile access to media rated for everything below the selected age.
  • Include PG content: Allow profiles with age filter enabled to watch PG Content.
  • Include Unrated Content: Allow profiles with age filter enabled to watch unrated content or content where age rated isn't clear or downloaded. 


Remember to save the changes before changing user profile, or they will be lost.

Limit client profiles

When dealing with kids or if you want to restrict anyone from deleting shows in your collection, keep in mind that the each client profile in the system can be accessed by hitting back when reaching the login screen. This is very important if you want to restrict kids from harmful shows.
If you want to restrict kids completely, you have to limit privileges from each client profile. Be sure to create a high privileged account first.



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