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The Treeview is used for navigation in the folder structure or in the selected database.

The mode is selected using the "View mode"  combo box.

Based on the view mode selected either a folder hierarchy or a database hierarchy is displayed.

Folder View 

In the Folderview the system navigates to the last folder used.
If this folder is no longer available on the file system, the parent folder is selected.

Selecting a folder scans for supported file formats, extracts the tags from them and displays the Tags in the song grid for further processing.
If a folder.jpg file is found, it will be rendered as the cover art.

The "Jump to Folder" contains the last 20 folders selected for faster navigation.

The "View Mode" combo box is set to folder and can be used for switching to the database view.

When the "Scan Subfolders" is checked, all the sub folders of the selected folder will be searched.

The status bar shows the progress of the scanning. On the very right side of the status bar is a button to abort the scan process.

Refresh Treeview starts a rescanning.

Database View 

Database View Collapsed

The Database View queries the current music database for Album Artists, Artists, Albums and Genres.

Whenever a node is expanded, the respective subnodes get expanded as well.

This shows the collapsed view of the music database.

When selecting an Artist or Album Artist node, all the songs from the respective artist or album artist are shown.
Expanding an Artist, the albums available for that artist are shown.

The same concept applies to Genre. Expanding a Genre, whows all the Artists for this specific genre and expanding an artist node shows all the albums for this artist.

Finally the result of the query are shown in the sing grid and then the tag actions can be applied.

Database View Expanded

This is the expanded Database View, where album artists have been expanded.



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