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MPTagThat shows all identified music files of a selected folder or a database query in a grid view. 

In the grid a single file, multiple files or all files can be selected and various Edit functions, performed through the TagEdit portion of the interface. All edits are immediately reflected in the Grid.
Actions are applied on the selected songs. Actions are invoked by selecting the Ribbon button or using the assigned keyboard shortcut. Shortcuts can be set in the Settings menu.

When no selection is made and an action is invoked, a Select-All songs is performed, before invoking the chosen selection.

Through the settings dialog the user can choose amongst other functions, which are described in the Settings section:

  • the Ribbon style and Themes
  • the handling of Tags
  • the Language, currently available in English and German. New languages can be supplied via TransFex. Contact us via the forum if you want to help with translation.

Main Layout

Below is the main layout of the application. The various components of the Layout are shown below.

The various sections may be rearranged.

GUI Components

1. Ribbon

Pressing a button in the Ribbon, applies the underlying function to the set of selected songs

Click here for more information about the functionality available in the Ribbon.

2. Treeview

The Treeview allows navigation through the various drives , or database.

When a folder is selected, it's content is scanned and the tags of supported audio files shown in the Songs Grid. 

Click here for more information about the functionality available in the Treeview.

3. Songs Grid

The songs grid displays all audio filoes, which were found as a result of a folder scan or a database query.

The grid allows direct editing of the tags. Changes applied in the Tag Edit section are shown in the grid.

Click here for more information about the functionality available in the Songs Grid.

4. Tag Edit

The Tag Edit components shows the Tags found in a single file or common tags in multiple selected files.

Changes are applied by pressing the apply button.

Click here for more information about the functionality available in Tag Edit.

5. Misc Files

While scanning a folder, MPTagThat automatically detects audio files and fills the Songs Grid.
All Non-Music Files, like various Cover Art, Zip Files, etc., are listed in the Misc File Section of the interface. Files can selected and deleted using the context menu.
Clicking on the filename shown below every item, allows renaming of the file. 

Click here for more information about the functionality available in Misc Files.



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