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Is there an editor? Short answer = There is no official editor for the standard Basic Home. Longer answer, see the forum thread Request for generic menu items between skins. For some custom skins there are editors for their Basic Home, one example is aMPed's Basic Home Editor (also see How to edit revaMPed Basic Home).



I used this info from the Black&White skin forum: Change and remove items from Basichome and adapted where necessary.

Basically, find the BasicHome skin file. For me, using Vista, it was under C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\DefaultWide
Right-click then select "edit". Scroll down to the icon definitions (first one is "<description>home BM Pictures</description>", then change the values for these items, where indicated:


<control Style="NoShadow">

<description>home BM Pictures</description> =>change "Pictures" to whatever you are replacing with







<textureFocus>hover_my pictures.png</textureFocus> =>change "hover_my pictures.png" to whatever you are replacing with. The names of the icon files are in this folder: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\DefaultWide\Media

<textureNoFocus>hover_my pictures.png</textureNoFocus> =>change "hover_my pictures.png" to whatever you are replacing with

<hyperlink>2</hyperlink> =>change "2" to the corresponding hyperlink

<label>1</label> =>change "1" to either the corresponding Label reference or just type whatever Label you prefer. For example, my Label for Moving Pictures just says "Movies"










<animation time="100" effect="zoom" end="120,120" start="100,100">focus</animation>

<animation time="50" effect="zoom" end="100,100" start="120,120">unfocus</animation>

<animation time="70" effect="zoom" end="100,100" start="20,20" center="640,360">WindowOpen</animation>

<animation time="70" effect="zoom" end="1,1" start="100,100" center="640,360">WindowClose</animation>



This is my modified BasicHome file:



Hi, I've modified the basichome for Blue3 to show RSS Ticker plugin. Now you can see wheater on top right and RSS on center-bottom. Please backup your existing skin file before replacing it.



I've done a little modification to Basic Home of Blue3Wide to suit my needs. I never use Weather, so I changed the icon into TV-Series instead, linking it to the plugin.

From (mostly about Black & White 1080p but maybe can give good info).


Change and remove items from Basichome

The Basichome file is located here:
....\Skin\Black & White 1080\BasicHome.xml

Remember to take a backup before you start modifying this file.
To edit it you have to open this file in a text editor. For example: Notepad. Word and similar programs are not recommended.

Each item on the Basichome page consists of four values: Hyperlink, icon, label and hover.

The value is used to forward the user to the corresponding plug-in.

This is the icon in the middle of the item.

This is the text label beneath the icon.

This is the large image on the right side, which fades in an out when you select an item.

How to change an item:

Each item consists of four lines; One for each value.

For example item 1:

<define>#item1hover:hover_my tv.png</define>

You’ll need to replace the red text with the corresponding values for the plugin you wish to change it to. For a list of supported values:
Plugins - Native MediaPortal plugins supported by Black & White 1080
Plugins - Supported by Black & White 1080
Plugins - Not natively supported by Black & White 1080

How to remove an item:

Replace hyperlink with “35” and the three other values with “-”


Last edited by aj1405; 2010-01-20 at 16:00..



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