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 MediaPortal 2.5
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  • Required:  No
  • Type of Change:  Feature

Provide for the ability of skin developers to position the viewing camera to render MediaPortal windows with perpsective.

Description of Change

Camera attributes allow for the positioning of a set of skin controls in perspective relative to the design eye of the skin screen (the default camera position).  The default camera position is the geometric center of the screen. You can move the camera to an alternate location for the rendering of the control.

Camera support is implemented on two controls:

  • Group - all controls contained within the group will be rendered using the camera position you specify in the skin xml.
  • Coverflow - setting the camera position on the coverflow control only will affect only the coverflow control

See also:  Camera Position

Additional Information and References

  • Mantis Issue: 3309
  • Related xml(s):  all xmls where Group and Coverflow control is used
  • Window ID: 
  • Related GUI property/control:  Skin attribute <camera>



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