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A good starting point to search for detailed tuning parameters, new and moved channels in the WWW is e.g.KingofSat or LyngSat

Scan type: "predefined provider"

When you set the check at Use advanced tuning options the scanning section expands to the following appearance:


Override default LNB frequencies

Here predefined provider is checked (default-value) in the scan type section and you can only change the LOF frequencies of your LNB when checking the respective entries on the left side.

This is a very advanced option and should only be done by experts who know what they're doing!


With the scan type left at the default value predefined provider a click on the Scan for channels" button will do a full scan with only the settings of the LOF frequencies of your LNB adjusted.

Scan type: "single transponder"

Now let's try the second entry for the scan type single transponder:

The lower fields are no longer greyed out and you now can enter the tuning details of a single transponder.
Remember that on one transponder there are usually several channels (TV and radio).
Fill in as few fields as necessary for a complete scan of a single transponder.
In this example it was sufficient to fill in the exact frequency, polarisation and symbol rate.
The remaining fields can be left to Not Set" because the scan engine will usually find the right values automatically.

Scanning a single transponder:

Now by clicking the Scan for channels button only this single transponder is scanned:

Already present channels are updated and new channels -if found-  are added to your channel list.
When the channel you explicitly searched for wasn't found, try to further specify the settings and try again.
During a scan the Scan for channels button changes it's label to Cancel and after scanning is finished to New Scan.
You can consecutively make several manual scans.

Scan type: "search for transponder list"

Now the third option search for transponder list searches the satellite(s) for a list of the available transponders on it and then automatically starts a full scan with the updated transponder list.

The following picture shows the status during this action after the update of the transponder list and at the start of the full scan with the first found transponder:



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