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TV-Server is the component of MediaPortal that manages the user's TV cards and streams the TV signal over the network.

You can learn more about how the components of MediaPortal (TV-Server - MediaPortal Client) work together in How it Works.

TV Server has its own Configuration Tool which you can access via a desktop shortcut or on the Windows Start Menu > Programs > Team-MediaPortal > MediaPortal TV Server > TV-Server Configuration.

Once you have configured TV-Server, you may also configure the TV settings for each client in the MediaPortal Configuration Tool > TV.

Please note:  MediaPortal has it's own separate Configuration Tool for all configuration settings other than TV-Server

TV-Server Configuration Tool

The TV-Server Configuration Tool is divided into a number of sections or 'pages', all relating to a different part of MediaPortal. Not all of these sections will necessarily apply to every user or need to be configured immediately. All settings can be changed at any time after installation so it is not necessary to configure each section initially.

For first time, basic setup, see:  TV Quick Setup


Please note the Help button in the top right of every configuration screen. This button will automatically open the related Wiki page for you.

Navigation Controls

The top of the setup window has several navigation controls:

  • Open Log directory Opens the folder with MediaPortal TV Server logs.
  • Help: Opens an online help page for the current screen. These help pages are actually the Wiki pages you are reading now.
    • Update Help: Finds the most recent location of the online help pages. Use this if you get an error page when trying to open Help.

TV-Server Configuration Sections

The TV Server configuration screen has a number of different section (or "pages") which can be accessed by the list on the left side of the screen. Each section is described in the following sub pages in more details.




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