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How to create an installer for MediaPortal extensions.


MPEMaker is the package to create an extension installer for: skins, plugins, logos or any other extension for MediaPortal.

Using the extensions installer, your extension will display for users in the MediaPortal Extensions Installer (MPEI) as well as the Extensions Plugin within the MediaPortal GUI.

For information about installing extensions see Installer (MPEI)

If you already have an installer for your extension, please see: Plugins Installer > How To Include An External Installer

Note: If you include other MPEI packages in your installer, they will NOT be recognized by MPEI (or the Extensions Plugin). Thus they will not display in the MPEInstaller, or the latest updates will not display as installed for the user.

Version Compatibility

 MPE Tools (MPEInstaller and MPEMaker) include a version checking mechanism for both plugins and skins by implementing the Version Compatibility features added to v1.2.0. 

In most cases, you just need to re-save your project using the new MPEMaker.

See MPE Tools with Version Check for further information.

Create an Extension

To create an Extension, open MPEMaker using the Windows Start Menu shortcut under Team MediaPortal. This will create an .xmp2 file which is your project file.

Most of the fields are self explanatory, however there are balloon tips to explain some fields.

For Skin extensions, or to view a more stetp by step guide, please see: Skins Installer


  1. *B*e cautious when entering text in the description fields as there is a limit on the number of characters that display in MPEI or the extensions plugin
  2. Use Extensions Information > Additional params button to add icons and screenshots to your installer.
    1. Icon - the package icon displays during local install at the top right in the banner
    2. Online Icon - displays when users access your extension via MPEI or Extensions plugin
    3. Configuration file - the file used to configure your extension
    4. Online screenshots - display a screenshots button in MPEI or Extensions button.  Enter multiple screenshots using a comma and hard return as separator
    5. Force to uninstall on update - will automatically uninstall the previous version when installing a new version

Skin Files

Generic Skin: applied to all skins? How to prevent extracting for some? Will this prevent updating all files for this skin?

There is a tool tip on type... you have two ways to control the installation of generic skin files"

  • in param1 you can specify the skin names separated by "," which should be skipped
  • in the update option you can set it to never overwrite - the files are copied only if they do not exist.

Publish an Extension

How do you get your extension to display in the MPEI Installer?  See Publish Your Extension

Command line

MpeMaker.exe <Project file> /V=<Version> /B

  • Project file - the file name of the project file
  • V=<Version> - force to the version number <Version> (Ex. /V=
  • /B - build the project and exit

Script Examples

See MpeMaker Scripts



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