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If you want a stylish layout which displays a single row of images like a filmstrip, then choose the Filmstrip layout.
You may use the home and end keys to navigation to the beginning or end of the items displayed. To access the menu, use the up arrow key, rather than the left arrow key as in other layouts. This enables you to easily access the menu from any item currently selected.
You can select the same way you select other layouts, by using the Layouts button on the Menu. Filmstrip view is available in the following windows:
- Videos
- Music
- Pictures
Use your remote control left and right navigation buttons (or keyboard arrow keys) to navigate left and right. Use your remote control select (or OK) button to perform the desired action on the selected item. In most skin implementations you should be able to access the action menu using your remote control up or down button or by navigating to the left of the first item or to the right of the last item.
Further Information
- For skin designers
- For plugin developers
GUIFilmstripControl Public Methods
Method Name | Parameter | Description |
Add | GUIListItem |
AllocResources |
Animate | Float, Animator | Method to get animate the current control |
Clear |
Dispose |
FinalizeConstruction |
| This function is called after all of the XmlSkinnable fields have been filled with appropriate data. Use this to do any construction work other than simple data member assignments, for example, initializing new reference types, extra calculations, etc.. |
GetSelectedItem | String, String, String, String | strLabel, strLabel2, strThumbnail, strIndex |
GetThumbDimensions | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | iXpos, iYpos, iWidth, iHeight |
GetThumbDimensionsBig | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | iXpos, iYpos, iWidth, iHeight |
GetThumbDimensionsLow | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | iXpos, iYpos, iWidth, iHeight |
GUIFilmstripControl | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | dwParentID, dwControlId, dwPosX, dwPosY, dwWidth, dwHeight |
GUIFilmstripControl | Integer | dwParentID |
HitTest | Integer, Integer, out Integer, out Boolean | x, y, controlID, focused |
Insert | Integer, GUIListItem | index, item |
NeedRefresh |
OnAction | Action |
OnMessage | GUIMessage |
PreAllocResources |
| Preallocates the control its DirectX resources. |
Render | Float | This method will draw the entire filmstrip |
ReStorePosition |
| Method to restore the saved-current control rectangle |
ScaleToScreenResolution |
SetNeedRefresh |
SetTextureDimensions | Integer, Integer | iWidth, iHeight |
SetThumbDimensions | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | iXpos, iYpos, iWidth, iHeight |
SetThumbDimensionsBig | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | iXpos, iYpos, iWidth, iHeight |
SetThumbDimensionsLow | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer | iXpos, iYpos, iWidth, iHeight |
ShowBigIcons | Boolean |
Sort | IComparer<guilistitem/> |
StorePosition |
| Method to store (save) the current control rectangle |
GUIFilmstripControl Public Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
EnableSMSsearch | Boolean |
Focus | Boolean |
KeepAspectRatio | Boolean | Get/set if the aspectration of the images of the items needs to be kept. |
ShowTexture | Boolean |
Scrollbar | GUIHorizontalScrollbar |
SelectedListItem | GUIListItem |
BackgroundHeight | Integer | The length, in pixels of the infoimage's background graphic |
BackgroundWidth | Integer | The width, in pixels of the infoimage's background graphic |
BackgroundX | Integer | Number of pixels the left edge of the background image is offset from the left edge of the screen |
BackgroundY | Integer | Number of pixels the top edge of the background image is offset from the top edge of the screen |
Count | Integer |
DimColor | Integer |
GetID | Integer | Gets the ID of the control. |
InfoImageHeight | Integer | Maximum number vertical pixels used to display the infoimage |
InfoImageWidth | Integer | Maximum number horizontal pixels used to display the infoimage |
InfoImageX | Integer | Number of pixels the left edge infoimage is offset from the left edge of the screen |
InfoImageY | Integer | Number of pixels the top edge infoimage is offset from the top edge of the screen |
ItemHeight | Integer |
ItemHeightBig | Integer |
ItemHeightLow | Integer |
ItemWidth | Integer |
ItemWidthBig | Integer |
ItemWidthLow | Integer |
SelectedListItemIndex | Integer |
SpinHeight | Integer |
SpinWidth | Integer |
SpinX | Integer |
SpinY | Integer |
TextureHeight | Integer |
TextureHeightBig | Integer |
TextureHeightLow | Integer |
TextureWidth | Integer |
TextureWidthBig | Integer |
TextureWidthLow | Integer |
ListItems | List<GUIListItem> |
BackgroundDiffuse | Long |
InfoImageDiffuse | Long |
SelectedColor | Long |
SpIntegerextColor | Long |
TextColor | Long |
BackgroundFileName | String |
FocusName | String |
FontName | String |
InfoImageFileName | String | The large image that will be displayed when an icon is selected. |
NoFocusName | String |
ScrollySuffix | String |
TexutureDownFocusName | String |
TexutureDownName | String |
TexutureUpFocusName | String |
TexutureUpName | String |
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