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The Filmstrip control defines the filmstrip layout.
Change | Date | Version |
2010/11/08 | 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 | |
2012/12/01 | 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 | |
2012/12/01 | 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 | |
2010/10/10 | 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 | |
2011/02/18 | 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 | |
2012/06/14 | 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 | |
If you want a stylish layout which displays a single row of images like a filmstrip, then choose the Filmstrip layout.
You may use the home and end keys to navigation to the beginning or end of the items displayed. To access the menu, use the up arrow key, rather than the left arrow key as in other layouts. This enables you to easily access the menu from any item currently selected.
The following video shows a short demonstration of the filmstrip view in MediaPortal in the Videos section:
You can select the same way you select other layouts, by using the Layouts button on the Menu. Filmstrip view is available in the following windows:
- Music
- Pictures
- Recorded Radio
- Recorded TV
- Videos
Use your remote control left and right navigation buttons (or keyboard arrow keys) to navigate left and right. Use your remote control select (or OK) button to perform the desired action on the selected item. In most skin implementations you should be able to access the action menu using your remote control up or down button or by navigating to the left of the first item or to the right of the last item.
Further Information
- For skin designers
- For plugin developers
A list of all the tags that are available for skin designers.
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
remoteColor | Long | Textcolor that is used when the item is on a remote location (ftp, smb share,...) |
playedColor | Long | Textcolor that is used when the item is currently playing. |
downloadColor | Long | Textcolor that is used when the item is currently downloaded (ftp) |
thumbPosXBig | Integer | |
thumbPosYBig | Integer | |
thumbWidthBig | Integer | |
thumbHeightBig | Integer | |
imageFolder | String | |
imageFolder[mask] | String | Allows to specify a mask that defines the areas of the images that are drawn to screen. See this section for more information on how to use image masks in MediaPortal. |
imageFolderFocus | String | |
imageFolderFocus[mask] | String | Allows to specify a mask that defines the areas of the images that are drawn to screen. See this section for more information on how to use image masks in MediaPortal. |
enableFocusZoom | Boolean | |
textureUp | String | The image file used for the up arrow when not selected. |
textureDown | String | The image file used for the down arrow when not selected. |
textureUpFocus | String | The image file used for the up arrow when selected. |
textureDownFocus | String | The image file used for the down arrow when selected. |
spinColor | Long | The color of the text used to display the number of pages / total number of pages. |
spinAlign | Alignment | Alignment of the spin control, possible values are Left, Right or Center |
spinHeight | Integer | The height of each arrow image. If the height of the image is different from what is defined, it will be scaled to fit. |
spinWidth | Integer | The width of each arrow image. If the width of the image is different from what is defined, it will be scaled to fit. |
spinPosX | Integer | The number of pixels the left edge of the spincontrol is offset from the left edge of the screen |
spinPosY | Integer | The number of pixels the top edge of the spincontrol is offset from the top edge of the screen |
itemHeight | Integer | |
itemWidth | Integer | |
texturelowHeight | Integer | |
textureLowWidth | Integer | |
textureWidth | Integer | |
textureHeight | Integer | |
thumbPosX | Integer | |
thumbPosY | Integer | |
thumbWidth | Integer | |
thumbHeight | Integer | |
font | String | Font used for rendering the text. |
textcolor | Long | Standard color of text |
selectedColor | Long | |
bdDvdDirectoryColor | Long | [Since 1.3] Color of the 1st label for DVD/BluRay items/folders. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF |
scrollbarBackground | String. | Background image of the scrollbar |
scrollbarLeft | String | Left half of the scrollbars' position indicator. |
scrollbarRight | String | Right half of the scrollbars' position indicator. |
scrollbarYOff | Integer | Y position of the scrollbar in relation to the parent control (filmstrip). |
scrollbarWidth | Integer | Width of the scrollbar. |
scrollbarHeight | Integer | Height of the scrollbar |
showScrollbar | Boolean | Show the scrollbar. |
scrollStartDelaySec | Integer | |
scrollOffset | Integer | |
folderPrefix | String | |
folderSuffix | String | |
backgroundheight | Integer | The length, in pixels of the infoimage's background graphic |
backgroundwidth | Integer | The width, in pixels of the infoimage's background graphic |
backgroundx | Integer | Number of pixels the left edge of the background image is offset from the left edge of the screen |
backgroundy | Integer | Number of pixels the top edge of the background image is offset from the top edge of the screen |
backgrounddiffuse | Integer | |
background | String | |
showBackGround | Boolean | |
showInfoImage | Boolean | |
InfoImageheight | Integer | Maximum number vertical pixels used to display the infoimage |
InfoImagewidth | Integer | Maximum number horizontal pixels used to display the infoimage |
InfoImagex | Integer | Number of pixels the left edge infoimage is offset from the left edge of the screen |
InfoImagey | Integer | Number of pixels the top edge infoimage is offset from the top edge of the screen |
InfoImagediffuse | Integer | |
InfoImage | String | The large image that will be displayed when an icon is selected. |
InfoImage[flipX] | Boolean | |
InfoImage[flipY] | Boolean | |
InfoImage[diffuse] | String | |
InfoImage[mask] | String | Allows to specify a mask that defines the areas of the images that are drawn to screen. See this section for more information on how to use image masks in MediaPortal. |
flipX | Boolean | |
flipY | Boolean | |
diffuse | String | |
unfocusedAlpha | Integer | |
frame | String | |
frame[mask] | String | Allows to specify a mask that defines the areas of the images that are drawn to screen. See this section for more information on how to use image masks in MediaPortal. |
showFrame | Boolean | |
showFolder | Boolean | |
frameFocus | String | |
frameFocus[mask] | String | Allows to specify a mask that defines the areas of the images that are drawn to screen. See this section for more information on how to use image masks in MediaPortal. |
keepaspectratio | Boolean | Set if the aspectratio of the texture needs to be preserved during rendering. Defaults false |
thumbZoom | Boolean | [Since1.3.0 alpha]: allows showing images of different size and aspect ratio while keeping their aspectratio without zooming the image, default: false |
thumbAlign | Alignment | [Since1.3.0 alpha]: horizontal alignment of the thumb when it is not filling the entire frame, values: Left, Right *or *Center, default: center |
thumbVAlign | VAlignment | [Since1.3.0 alpha]: vertical alignment of the thumb when it is not filling the entire frame, values: Top, Bottom or *Middle, *default: bottom |
spinCanFocus | Boolean | [Since1.3.0 alpha] define if the spin button can be focused. If not, onleft and onright are focused immediately. Default: yes |
thumbs | ||
thumbs[flipX] | Boolean | |
thumbs[flipY] | Boolean | |
thumbs[diffuse] | String | |
thumbs[mask] | String | Allows to specify a mask that defines the areas of the images that are drawn to screen. See this section for more information on how to use image masks in MediaPortal. |
textXOff | Integer | the X-Offset of the text below the icons, default value 0 |
textYOff | Integer | The Y-Offset of the text below the icons, default value 0 |
thumbAnimation | String | This allows a skin designer to define a custom animation that will only be applied to the covers of the filmstrip view. E.g.: <thumbAnimation effect="fade" time="5000">WindowClose</thumbAnimation> |
Inherited by Control
See Control for the full documentation of this control.
Element Name | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | The id of the control. The id will couple the skin file to the code, so if we later on want to check that a user pressed a button, the id will be required and must be unique. For controls that will never be referenced in the code it is safe to set it to "1" |
description | String | An optional description of the control for your reference |
type | String | The type of the control, for instance "button", "label", "textbox" and all other controls. |
posX | Integer | The X-position on the window for this control |
posY | Integer | The Y-position on the window for this control |
width | Integer | The width of this control |
height | Integer | The height of this control |
onleft | Integer | The control id to move the focus to when the user moves left. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to. As of v1.7.0 Skin Settings and Skin Expressions are also supported. |
onright | Integer | The control id to move the focus to when the user moves right. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to. As of v1.7.0 Skin Settings and Skin Expressions are also supported. |
onup | Integer | The control id to move the focus to when the user moves up. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to. As of v1.7.0 Skin Settings and Skin Expressions are also supported. |
ondown | Integer | The control id to move the focus to when the user moves down. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to. As of v1.7.0 Skin Settings and Skin Expressions are also supported. |
colordiffuse | Long | Allows you to mix a color & a graphics texture. E.g. If you have a graphics texture like a blue button you can mix it with a yellow color diffuse and the end result will be green. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF |
dimColor | Integer | Color for a control when it is not focussed. Defaults to half transparent (0x60ffffff) |
onfocus | String | [Since 1.3] Executes a MediaPortal skin function when the control gains focus. See Skin Settings for more information. |
XML Examples
<control> <description>default filmstrip</description> <type>filmstrip</type> <id>11</id> <posX>260</posX> <posY>420</posY> <width>500</width> <height>100</height> <spinWidth>26</spinWidth> <spinHeight>27</spinHeight> <spinPosX>590</spinPosX> <spinPosY>530</spinPosY> <spinAlign>Left</spinAlign> <spinColor>ffffffff</spinColor> <textureUp>page_up_nofocus.png</textureUp> <textureDown>page_down_nofocus.png</textureDown> <textureUpFocus>page_up_focus.png</textureUpFocus> <textureDownFocus>page_down_focus.png</textureDownFocus> <itemWidth>108</itemWidth> <itemHeight>108</itemHeight> <textureWidth>80</textureWidth> <textureHeight>80</textureHeight> <thumbWidth>62</thumbWidth> <thumbHeight>62</thumbHeight> <thumbPosX>9</thumbPosX> <thumbPosY>9</thumbPosY> <imageFolder>icon_empty_nofocus.png</imageFolder> <imageFolderFocus>icon_empty_focus.png</imageFolderFocus> <font>font13</font> <selectedColor>ffffffff</selectedColor> <textcolor>black</textcolor> <colordiffuse>ffffffff</colordiffuse> <remoteColor>ffFFA075</remoteColor> <downloadColor>ff80ff80</downloadColor> <suffix>|</suffix> <textureWidthBig>108</textureWidthBig> <textureHeightBig>108</textureHeightBig> <itemWidthBig>136</itemWidthBig> <itemHeightBig>134</itemHeightBig> <thumbWidthBig>84</thumbWidthBig> <thumbHeightBig>84</thumbHeightBig> <thumbPosXBig>12</thumbPosXBig> <thumbPosYBig>12</thumbPosYBig> <background>filmstrip_bg.png</background> <backgroundx>290</backgroundx> <backgroundy>97</backgroundy> <backgroundwidth>370</backgroundwidth> <backgroundheight>312</backgroundheight> <backgrounddiffuse>60ffffff</backgrounddiffuse> <InfoImage>-</InfoImage> <InfoImagex>307</InfoImagex> <InfoImagey>115</InfoImagey> <InfoImagewidth>325</InfoImagewidth> <InfoImageheight>263</InfoImageheight> <InfoImagediffuse>ffffffff</InfoImagediffuse> <unfocusedAlpha>170</unfocusedAlpha> <textXOff>0</textXOff> <textYOff>0</textYOff> <onleft>2</onleft> <onright>2</onright> <onup>2</onup> <ondown>2</ondown> </control>
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