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A graph is a collection of DirectShow filters connected to each other. MediaPortal creates DirectShow graphs when viewing videos, DVD:s and TV or listening to radio. Studying MediaPortal's graph is useful when you need to know which DirectShow filters (source, splitter, audio/video decoders and audio/video renderers) are is use when watching a video for example.


GraphEdit is an advanced utility which allows you to create DirectShow graphs, test installed DirectShow filters and connect to graphs rendered by other applications.

You can also use GraphEdit to inspect any type of DirectShow filter installed on your system. GraphEdit is included in Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).

Note: GraphEdit crashes when loading filters that has more than 100 supported formats (for example LAV).

Download GraphEdit

Further Information:


GraphStudioNext is an open source alternative to GraphEdit. It is a fork of RadScorpion's GraphStudio which has not been developed for several years which is why GraphStudioNext is recommended. Since MediaPortal is based on 32-bit code you need to use the 32-bit version if you wish to connect to MediaPortal's graph.



  1. Download GraphEdit or GraphStudioNext
  2. Register proppage.dll which is included in Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) by opening a Command Prompt as Administrator, change directory to the folder where proppage.dll is stored and type regsvr32 proppage.dll
  3. Run MediaPortal in windowed mode
  4. Start watching a TV channel or a video
  5. Run GraphEdit or GraphStudioNext and select File - Connect to Remote Graph (Ctrl+G) to connect to MediaPortal's graph.



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