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On the Options tab you can tweak AMC Updater for your specific needs. For initial operations, My Films will preset the options to a set of working values based on the selections you make using the Setup Wizard, or in MyFilms Setup.

The Options Tab

Folder and File Options

Select the folders and files used by AMC Updater.

Path to AMC Database File

Specify here the location of your Ant Movie Catalog database file. The file must be saved in the XML format.

Path to Excluded Movies File

When importing movies, and performing Internet lookups, you may find files which have no online entry. This is particularly the case with home movies and the like. If the Internet lookup is unable to find a match for your movie, you will be prompted and may choose to ‘Always Ignore’ that file. The list of files to be ignored is stored in this plain-text file. By default this is in the user data folder, e.g.:

  • C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MyFilmsAMCExcludedMoviesFile.txt

Path to Fanart

If fanart is enabled in My Films Setup on the Artwork tab, AMCU will store the images in this location, in sub folders for each film.  The path is automatically synced to the path set on the Artwork tab whenever you save your My Films Configuration.

Path to Person Images

If you have enabled person images or thumbs in My Films Setup on the Artwork tab, AMCU will store the images in this location.

Note:  As of v 6.0.0 you can enable downloading of person images during import/updates on the Database Fields tab under Fanart Handling.

File Type Identification

Select the types of files which AMCU will scan and add to your database.

Note: To playback files in MediaPortal, the file extensions must be included in MediaPortal, either in the Configuration Tool >  Videos > Video Extensions or Videos Settings > Video File Extensions in the GUI.

Accepted Media Files

File extensions are used to identify files for import. This list of file extensions defines the file types which are to be imported and scanned for media related data. Entries should be separated with semi-colons.

Accepted Non-Media Files

Same as the Accepted Media Files, however these file types are considered non-media files and hence will not be scanned for media data. This is normally suitable for ISO, BIN, IMG and other disk image formats.

Accepted Trailer Identification Strings

This field identifies the strings used in file names to indicate the media file is a trailer rather than a feature film if it is stored in the movie folder.

By default, trailers are not added as new records to the database. However if you wish to add a separate record for each trailer, you may remove these strings. If your trailer files are named differently, and stored in your movie folder, you may add strings here to auto identify them.

Note: As of v 6.0.3 you may use regex expressions for trailer identification, e.g \wclip to avoid detecting movies with the characters 'clip' in the filename.

AMCU does not import trailers yet, see the Trailer Setup guide for details about the options for setting up and adding locally stored trailers to your database.

Media Scan Options

Check for DVD folders?

If you enable this option then the program will check for DVD images stored in the movies path. The program identifies these by searching for VIDEO_TS.IFO and then attempting to find the movie name from the folder structure.

Try to Parse Subtitles

Enable if you have subtitle index files (.IDX) and wish to scan the files to see what languages are supported and add the data to the Subtitles field.

Note: This option does not affect the detection of external subtitle files, but may improve results if you have IDX files.

Internet Grabber Override Options

Grabber override options allow you to set options for all grabbers by Config. You can use different override options for different Configs. Override options always take precedence over specific grabber options. The settings on the Update Tab in MyFilms setup are automatically synced to AMCU settings on the Options tab. However, you can change those settings for Import or Update operations using AMC Updater without altering your default settings (unless you save the changes) 

Grabber Override Options only work if your selected grabber script supports those options. 

  Tip You can add values, separated by a comma, to Preferred Languages/Countries If you wish, such as 'International', or 'Ontario' to get only certifications for Ontario rather than all English certifications.   Then, set Limit # Titles =1 if you wish to grab multiple certifications but only AKA titles for the first country/language selected

  • Preferred Languages/Countries - select ONLY the AKA Titles and Certifications for the selected Language/Country - default = the country you select in Setup Wizard. 
  • Get Actor Roles - true or false (default=true)
  • Limit # Persons - applies to all persons: actors, directors, producers (if supported by the grabber), writers, etc depending on what the grabber script supports
  • Limit # Titles - limits the number of AKA titles grabbed by IMDB-Full grabber (the only site/grabber that supports multiple AKAs)

Note: Separators, which determine how MyFilms identifies multiple values in a field (e.g. Countries, AKA titles, persons etc.), can be customized on the Views tab in MyFilms setup to match your data.

Post Processing

Launch a file after processing completes?

For convenience, you may wish to run a program after running an import. This works equally well from the Interactive mode as from Batch mode. This is commonly used to launch Ant Movie Catalog or MediaPortal once processing is complete and your database is up to date.

Path to Executable to launch

If you wish to launch a file after processing, enter the path here. This defaults to the default installation folder for Ant Movie Catalog.

Only if changes applied

Select this option to ensure that your program is only launched if AMC Updater has made changes.

Logging Level

AMC Updater will, by default, store a detailed log of all processing output in the MyFilmsAMCUpdater.log. This log is located in the MediaPortal log folder, e.g.

  • C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log\MyFilmsAMCUpdater.log 

Log information is also shown ‘live’ in the AMC Updater Log window. If you want to control the log file output, then change this drop-down list to select the amount of detail you would like logged. The options are as follows:

  • All Events with Grabbing - information about every file processed plus grabbing details.
  • All Events (default) - Information about every file processed will be logged.
  • Major Events. Individual file information will not be logged, however major program options and events will be logged.
  • Errors Only. As the name implies, the log will only show significant events such as errors.

Note: the Log window will always show all events; this option only controls which data is logged to file.




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