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Preparing the scan

If you have a DVB-C tuner and it appears in the list of TV cards below the TV Server in the left pane, you should see the following screen when you select the card.

Make sure you have the cable from your DVB-C wall-socket properly connected to your DVB-C tuner-card.


Select your country from the Country dropdown list and then your TV provider or region from the Region/Provider dropdown list.

Create groups for each provider

If the option Create groups for each provider is checked, a separate group will be created for each provider that is found in the scan. Provider is an entity that owns one or more channels. Be aware that in some cases there might be only one or a very large number of different providers.
So choose this option carefully.

Create "Digital cable" group

When this option is checked, a separate group (Analog) is automatically created in the TV channels groups (as well as in the Radio channels groups if you also scan for radio channels). Separate TV and radio groups can also be created for DVB-T ("Digital terrestrial"), DVB-C ("Digital cable") and DVB-S ("Digital satellite") channels so you can more easily identify your analog channels when sorting, combining and editing your channels.

Enable channel movement detection

It is intended if your provider(s) constantly move your channels to different frequencies. When you enable the option, TV Server uses the following logic:
0. Scan finds a channel.
1. Check: do we already know about a channel with this network ID + service ID combination?
- if YES, update the existing tuning details
- if NO, create a new channel

The default logic (when you don't enable the option) is only slightly different:
0. Scan finds a channel.
1. Check: do we already know about a channel with this network ID + transport stream ID + service ID combination?
- if YES, update the existing tuning details
- if NO, create a new channel

The option won't work for everyone because some providers have different channels with the same network ID + service ID combination. In those cases, the provider differentiates between the two channels using the transport stream ID. That is technically bad behaviour by the providers, but it caused so much trouble and is thus disabled by default MP 1.2.0.


When you click the Scan for channels box, the dialog should change to show the Scan progress pane:

The TV Server will scan each DVB-C multiplex available to you simultaneously for TV and radio channels and output its progress in the Status pane.
Whilst scanning, the Signal level and Signal quality bars should give an indication of the strength of signal and likelihood of finding channels – a high signal quality is more important than a high signal level.

But depending on your hardware/driver these values are not always correctly delivered. So the Signal level and Signal quality bars could be empty even when reception and signal quality are OK.

The Status window shows details of the transponder that is currently being scanned. As you see in the image below, for each scanned transponder MediaPortal lists the number of new channels found an the number of channels that already existed and were updated.

Below these bars is the scanning progress bar, which should give you an indication of progress and will reach the right end when the scan is completed. Scanning for channels can take a while depending on the number of multiplexes available.

Remark: If the scan didn't find all channels that your provider offers, select Full from the Region/Provider dropdown list and rescan the whole DVB-C band. Providers quite frequently change or expand the used frequency range where they place their content.
If this still doesn't find all available channels try a manual scan with the advanced tuning options.

The Logical Channel Number (LCN) is only set when a channel is created during scanning. It will not be updated on subsequent scans. When no LCN is found on the network the value 10000 will be used.

See also:

CI Menu

DVB-C Advanced Tuning



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