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Screen Calibration allows you to compensate for Overscan on some TVs.


 Many TVs and graphics card drivers offer settings to compensate for overscan. However these settings can be very useful if you are using an older TV or wish to adjust settings only for MediaPortal.


Screen Calibration is only available via the Settings screen, not in the Configuration Tool.

Use arrow keys to adjust settings, then press Enter/OK to accept the changes and proceed to the next setting.

  • Top Left Overscan Compenstion - Use the left right arrow keys to adjust the left and top position for overscan
    • Press Enter or OK to select the postion and move to the next setting

  • Bottom Right Overscan Compenstion - Use the up down arrow keys to move the window up or down
    • Press Enter or OK to select the postion and move to the next setting

  • Subtitles Postion - use the up down arrow keys to adjust where you would like subtitles to display on your screen in MediaPortal
    • Press Enter or OK to select the postion and move to the next setting

  • Pixel Ratio Adjustment - use the arrow keys to make the image square if it is not already
    • Press Enter or OK to select the postion and move to the next setting

  • OSD Position - use the up down arrow keys to adjust the vertical position of the On Screen Display (OSD)
    • Press Enter or OK to select the postion and return to the first setting

Note: Screen Calibration (and UI Calibration) settings are saved in a file ScreenCalibration1280x720.xml (where 1280x720 is the current screen resolution) in your MediaPortal User Data folder (usually ...\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal on Windows 7). There is a different settings file for each screen resolution you used when you set your settings.  You may delete the file to restore default settings.




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