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Testing with VLC or MPlayer

If you have troubles getting streaming to work, then it might be helpfull to first try

VLC or Mplayer

Both are media players which can play live tv over RTSP.

Using SetupTV to start timeshifting manually

First install vlc and/or mplayer

next start SetupTV and goto the Manual Control page:

Next select a channel and press the 'Start Times' button.

Now if you look in the streaming server.log which is located in

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MediaPortal TV Server\log

you'll see the following:

24-10-2006 09:44:13 Setup stream server for ip:
24-10-2006 09:44:39 Stream server: add timeshift  mpeg-2 transport stream stream1 filename:C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\live1.ts.tsbuffer
24-10-2006 09:44:39 Stream server: url for stream is rtsp://

Opening a stream in VLC

Start VLC, choose open file and fill in the rtsp adress as mentioned in the streaming server.log

Press ok and VLC should start playing the stream

Opening a stream in mplayer

open a command prompt

cd to the mplayer folder

type in:

> mplayer //

where you replace the rtsp://xxxx stream with the one mentioned in the log file



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