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Support: Need Help?

Everyone needs help sometimes. MediaPortal offers so many features and supports so many configurations and different types of hardware that you are likely to need assistance sometime to tailor it to meet your needs.  Morevover, almost every aspect of MediaPortal can be customized. So, how do you get support when you need it?

Search the Wiki

First, search this wiki to see if you can find the information you need on:

MediaPortal.  See Wiki Help > Search Wiki for assistance on searching

Check for Known Solutions or Problems

Check the FAQ, Known Issues and Troubleshooting pages to see if the problem is already known.

If you don't find the answer, then check the Bug Tracker to see if your issue has already been reported and is in process of being fixed.

Getting Help

If you still need assistance, the best place to start is by using the Forums, there are thousands of experienced users willing to help you, and even our developers will respond to you in the Forums.

Be sure to enter/update your System Specs as they are essential for anyone to help you, and requried for bug reports.

Or, you may chat with other users or Team members in the IRC Channel.  This is often a fast way to get a quick answer to your questions.

Enter a Bug Report

If you still have problems or think you have found a bug, enter a detailed bug report. 

See Submit a Bug Report



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