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In this section you can define the importer process of all kinds of media that you would like to add to the MP2 Server database. 

Importer Settings

Audio, Movies and Series import settings

Import settings

Import settings for each of Audio, Movie and Series allow the selection of what kind of online sources to use for download, what to download in each of the two import passes and which filters to populate for each kind of media class.

The concept is the same for each media type and differs only in terms of online sources and applicable filters. The following description about the Movie importer settings therefore also applies to the Audio and Series importer.´

Data to download from online sources

Defines what kind of data will be downloaded. Select "Download nothing" if you are manually managing your movie collection through nfo files and would like to import already existent information instead. 

Online sources to allow during import

Settings made in this section apply to the second pass of the importer run. and can be selected as online sources for movie information.

Online sources for new media

Settings made in this section apply to the first pass of the importer run. and can be selected as online sources for movie information. 

The more sources are ticked here, the longer the first pass download process will take and more time will be needed until the newly added media will be visible.

Cache Fanart for offline browsing

All fanart is dynamically loaded from its central server storage location.

There may be situations where the storage share is not available and in that case no fanart (poster, background, etc.) can be displayed. However, if desired Fanart can be cached locally or on a network drive that is always available.

Filters to populate during import

Besides movie details and fanart, additional information can be retrieved for each movie:

  • Actor
  • Character
  • Director
  • Writer
  • Production studio

Data will be added to the database to allow for example the display of all movies for a given actor. The more entries you tick here, the longer the importer process will last.

Further importer settings

See individual chapters on how to further set up the importer for each kind of media and applicable file naming conventions.

Show all known media items

Define whether you would like to display media items even if they are not physically present in your media share

  • Audio:   display all known tracks of an album. If unticked, only tracks that are stored on your drive will be displayed
  • Movies: display all members of the same movie collection
  • Series:  display all known seasons and episodes of a series. This will also include specials and show as Season 0.



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