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What does this bring for users?

  • Much better performance compared to MSSQL-CE
  • No size limit for your MediaLibrary

How big is the impact of chosen database?

Test with 4 shares:

  • local folder with BluRay images (type "Movie")
  • local folder with custom videos (type "Video")
  • folder with Series on NAS (type "Series")
  • folder with Music on NAS (type "Audio")

A normal import using the default SQL-CE database took ~9 minutes. This includes thumbnail extraction and DB access.
Using MySQL on same PC the import time decreased to ~4 minutes! It's twice as fast as MSSQL-CE.

The reason for this is probably the fact, that MSSQL-CE is run in the process of the host (MP2-Server) and it's not as efficient as a dedicated database process. On analysis I found out, that most time was spent on a "DELETE" SQL-statement that uses subqueries with "LIKE" on the path part. MySQL performs a lot better, probably because it is able to use the existing index on path.
To get a number: for MSSQL-CE the time for DB-Access was double of the time required for thumbnail creation! (160 sec vs. 80 sec!)



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