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The ComSkip launcher plugin allows the recorded TV Program to be analyzed for commercials so they can then be skipped during playback.


Requires[ Comskip|] to be downloaded and installed.

Comskip launcher TV-Server plugin is already included when you install TV-Server (i.e. select Use TV during MediaPortal Installation).

Alternatively you can install the Comskip Monitored plugin from here. This can limit the number of instances of comskip running at one time, to avoid overloading your system .

Note: If you want to process H264 recordings you need the $10 donate version of comskip, donation can be made here.

Enable the Plugin

Placing a check mark against ComSkipLauncher will Enable the plugin. Removing the checkmark will disable it.

Configure the Plugin

The following is an explanation of the plugin specific configuration menu.

When to launch

(Default: Recording start) -Sets whether Comskip should run while recording to be done by the time your recording is finished or to run after it has finished. If Recording Finished, this will save on processing power and disk writes while recording and recommended for slower or process loaded machines.

What to launch

Program (Default: C:\Program Files\Comskip\Comskip.exe)

  • Set to the location where you installed Comskip.

Parameters (Default: "{0}")

  • Comskip at minimum requires a filename to process but can also be given other info on the command line (press the ? button for more info)
  • You can add -t to indicate that the input file is a transport stream


  • This section allows you to ensure the configuration is correct. Input a filename (including path) or browse using "..." button. The click the "Test" button to ensure Comskip starts processing the file.

Usage Guide

When Comskip has finished (possibly before finished, needs checking) processing your recording and you play back the recording the next chapter and previous chapter buttons will skip to the next commercial/program boundary, just press next chapter every time a commercial break starts (next/previous chapter: F7 and F8)


  • For versions of MediaPortal earlier than 1.2.0 Beta, there is no 'out of the box' support for viewing via TV Recordings however a workaround can be applied. Please see this forum thread for more information:
  • If not skipping at all ensure there is a .txt file located in the same location as the recording. If there is not, then Comskip is not configured correctly or failed. Check the parameters field for correct settings.
    Note: You have to restart the TvService after enabling the plugin or changing the settings!
  • If not detecting the commercials correctly, Comskip tuning may need to be refined. Please visit the Comskip Site and view the manual and tuning guide there.
  • On Windows 8 and newer the non-donator's version of Comskip 81_069 (and newer???) is blocked on first run by Windows' smart screen security filter. This security filter needs to be configured to allow Comskip to run, otherwise TV Server will encounter serious problems starting and stopping recordings. See this thread for more information. To configure the filter:
    • Run Comskip.exe manually. You should see a "your computer is being kept secure" dialog. If you do not see the dialog then the filter is already configured appropriately and no action is required.
    • Select "more information".
    • Select "run anyway".



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