Documentation: Use the Wiki!
Start with the Manual - everyone says it, hardly anyone one does it!
Our Wiki really should be your first stop. It provides all the assistance you require to install and configure MediaPortal to meet your needs.
Even if you are building your first HTPC, our Wiki has valuable information and reference material to assist you, contributed by our expert users over the years.
Wiki Manual
If you are looking for support information, consult the Wiki Index. It provides essential data on installing, configuring and using MediaPortal.
Numerous User Guides provide more detailed 'how to' information plus tips and tricks for setting up particular features.
If you are setting up your first HTPC, be sure to check out the hardware selection guides and reviews.
You may also find Country Specific information to tailor MediaPortal for your country or region, such as TV Tuning Details, Channel Logos, Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data for your TV Guide, sources of local weather images and more.
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Whenever you find a wiki page or section useful, you many use the Notifications feature at the top right of the page:
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Your personal user page
Select 'My Page' from the Wiki menu and click on the My Page tab to enter some interesting content about yourself, your skils and how you use MediaPortal.
Search the Wiki
Our new MediaPortal Wiki uses MindTouch, which incorporates Lucene, a powerful and flexible search engine.
Just enter your search term(s) in the search box. Wildcard, boolean and phrase searching is fully supported.
You may use the drop down box to limit your search to Main Pages (default), sub pages of the current page, or select 'All pages'.
You can search using many advanced search techniques. See Wiki Help > Search Wiki.
Enter your preferences
Select Tools > My Preferences from the Wiki menu to enter your email address and time zone.
What's New
If you are trying out our latest alpha, beta or RC releases, or just interested in the upcoming features, check out the What's New section of the wiki!
Wiki Errors
If you find any missing or inaccurate data, you can correct it, mark it for update, or add a comment to the page if you are logged into the wiki.
Report any errors or broken links, or request new wiki features in our Website/Forum/Wiki Feedback forum.