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To change the font sizes in MediaPortal look in the Skin folder and locate the fonts.xml file.

This file contains the font definitions used by the skin. For example:

  • C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Blue3wide\fonts.xml


Changes to fonts are:

  • skin wide, i.e. all MediaPortal screens text will change. This can cause text to overflow or labels to be cut short.
  • skin specific, so you need to complete this change for the skin you're using.
  • overwritten when you
    • reinstall MediaPortal.
    • install an SVN version of MediaPortal
    • reinstall a skin

Note: Generally it is much wiser to find a skin that supports your font size rather than changing the font size in a skin that does not really support it.  Several skins now support multiple font sizes.


A font section looks like this:


The line you're interested in is the <height> line, just change this value to something else to increase or decrease the size as required. e.g. change font10 to this:


This will increase all text using the font name 'font10'  from 10 points to 14 points.

Repeat this for each font size you want to change.


Once you've completed this save your fonts.xml file.

Re-Cache your fonts

MediaPortal caches fonts in each skin, so for your changes to take effect you have to re-cache. You do this by deleting the \fonts\ folder in the Cache folder, e.g.

  • C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3wide\fonts\

MediaPortal will then re-cache the fonts at the next startup using your modified sizes.



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