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  • Required:  No
  • Type of Change:  Feature

With this change you can use Skin Settings and Skin Expressions in a lot of new fields. The purpose of this is to build customizable menus based on SkinSettings, but skinners can go wild. You can also use these abilities to change navigation based on SkinSettings (for example navigate to a selectable overlay).

Description of Change

The following tags now allow Skin Settings and Skin Expressions:

Note: Most controls which support navigation tags inherit them from GUIControl, so skins may use expressions and settings in OnLeft, OnRight, OnUp, OnDown in any control that supports them..

Additional Information and References

Issue #:


Related xml(s):


Windows IDs:


Related control:

button, GUIControl



Date added:

Tue, 28 Jan 2014

XML/Code Samples

Use the expressions as you would use normal settings, sample for hyperlink:

<control Style="BasicHomeButton">
        <description>TV normal push button</description>

Create a Basic Home Editor in MP GUI

See catavolt's example in PureVision Forum: HOW TO: Build your own GUI-based BasicHome Editor



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