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Install Required Components (only for MP 1.11 and earlier)

This step is only required for MP 1.11 and earlier versions. For MP 1.12 and later versions, is installed by the MP installer.

  1. Download the Zodiak CCCP CC MPEG2 Parser.
  2. Extract the contents to a folder of your choosing. Only and reg.bat are necessary.
  3. Run the reg.bat file. If using Vista or later, right-click on the .bat file and click on "Run as Administrator".

Enable CC subtitles

  1. Open MediaPortal Configuration in Expert Mode.
  2. Navigate to TV > TV Client > Subtitle settings section.
  3. Check Enable CC subtitles.

Add The Filter As Post Processing

  1. Navigate to TV > TV Post Processing section.
  2. On the Available filters section (on bottom), double-click on Core CC Parser. This should add the filter to the "Activated filters" list at the top.
  3. In the "Activated filters" section, enable the Core CC Parser filter by checking the checkbox next to it.

Configure The Filter

  1. Click the button Filter properties.
  2. Choose CC1 and tick the Convert to A53 checkbox.

After following the above steps and closing MediaPortal Configuration, CC should display and be controlled on your ATSC/QAM live and recorded TV. Enjoy!

Trouble shooting

  • You might not see any CC displayed if you also use ffdshow video decoder as post processing filter. In this case you should configure the ffdshow settings' Primary output color space to use NV12 color space. With a different value the directgraph filter might build in manner that CC will not work.
  • Versions of MP earlier than MP 1.12 cannot handle CC decoding from H.264 video streams.



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