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This process plugin for Mediaportal is a Upnp Renderer.

You can send your music, video or picture files with a handy, tablet, pc or any other upnp controller device from your upnp media server to Mediaportal.

You can play the selected mediafiles in mediaportal by using the "playTo" or "Throw" function from your upnp controller device (e.g. a tablet or handy). 

Some details about upnp:

You need a upnp media server, where your tracks are saved. This could be a nas or router with upnp server (e.g. twonky) or e.g. a pc with windows media player. In Windows 7 a upnp server is already integrated. To select a track and send it to "MP Upnp Renderer"/Mediaportal you need a upnp controller like e.g. bubble upnp (android) or windows media player (pc).

This plugin is based on old source code from kroko, cilla. This guys did a great job!


This process plugin receives mediafiles and control commands over upnp and sends them to mediaportal client.

Supported media types: 

  • Playing Music
  • Playing Video (Workaround for playing mp4 video files by caching file.locally before playing)
  • playing Pictures


Please download the plugin from HERE and install the mpe package by doubleclick. At the end of the installation wizard the plugin config dialog opens automatically.

The setup is very simple, because no further plugin or skin files are needed.


Start mediaportal client configuration and go to plugins, select "MP Upnp Renderer" plugin and click on config button.

!D:\Dokumente\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MP-Upnp-Renderer-V2.2\Documents\screenshots!


In the opend plugin configuraton dialog you have different tabs to set the "MP Upnp Renderer" plugin.




The Name of the plugin, which is shown in the upnp contollers.

Don't start playing... checkbox: 

If there is a mediafile already playing, which was started nomally within the mediaportalclient,

all files which will be send over upnp, will be ignored. 


The time how long a notification dialog is shown for information or error messages.




 Activate window for playing:

If a music track is started by this plugin, the selected window will be shown in mediaportal client.

Show Thumbnail:

Select the source, from where the track cover (image thumbnail) should be tried to be load first.




I can't see this plugin in my upnp controller (eg a handy or tablet with upnp player or in wmp->playto)?

If you can't see the Mediaportal Upnp Renderer in your upnp controller check if the plugin is enabled within mediaportal client configuration.

Mediaportal Client must be started. Try another upnp controller. For Android I can prefer bubble upnp.

See following faq's and search in forums for futher helps with firewall or network problems.


How can I check, if my network and firewall is not the problem for playing upnp?

First check within wmp (windows media player), if your upnp functionallity works on your mediaportal-pc . 

Try to send a Media file with your upnp controller from your upnp-server to wmp. If this works, network and firewall is ok.

Now you can try within wmp, if you can send a file from your upnp server to MP Upnp Renderer Plugin.

If your problem isn't solve, create a logfile in debugmode and send it to the FORUM.



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