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On 22 Sep 2010, chefkoch suggested that this page or content is incomplete and needs to be expanded.
On 5 Jan 2012, ostralee suggested troubleshooting info is needed when the first time auto installation fails.

Configuring TV-server for MySQL

  • Install MediaPortal and TV-Server.
  • Launch TV-Server by through Start > All Programs > Team MediaPortal > MediaPortal TV Server.
  • You will get a window called Setup database.
  • Click the radio button next to MySQL 5.
    • Hostname is the name of the server machine (what it is called on the network when you look in My Network Places).
    • Username is
    • Password is what you defined in the MySQL installation.

Limited connectivity

When MySQL is installed by MediaPortal setup, it is configured to allow all clients to connect. If MySQL was installed earlier it might be configured to deny access to some client computers.

To configure the MySQL settings you need to install MySQL Workbench.

Launch MySQL Workbench and click Server Administration.

Enter the root password.

Select the Users and Privileges tab and make sure that the user root is not prevented to connect from your MediaPortal computer. You may use % as wildcard in the field Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching to allow access from any host.



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