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If you have subscribed to a DVB-IP service from your internet provider you can scan for the channels. Select your DVB-IP provider from Service dropdown list. If your DVB-IP provider is not listed in Service dropdown list then you need to prepare tuning parameters.

Preparing the tuning parameters

Tuning parameters for DVB-IP are in form of M3U playlist file. Tuning parameters must be placed into TuningParameters\dvbip subfolder of TV Server Program Data folder.

Currently supported protocols and url formats

Supported protocols



URL format



all spaces in path have to be replaced by %20



file:///c:/temp/video.ts file:///c:/temp%20folder/video%20with%20spaces.ts



URL format



server can be DNS name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) authentication is not supported proxy server is not supported SSL not supported (HTTP port 443)





URL format



sourceServer and localServer can be DNS name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) localServer can be unicast or multicast IP address



udp:// udp://@ udp:// udp://



URL format



sourceServer and localServer can be DNS name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) localServer can be unicast or multicast IP address if failed with parsing of RTP packets it automatically switch to UDP protocol



rtp:// rtp://@ rtp:// rtp://



URL format



server can be DNS name or IP address (IPv4) doesn't support specifying network interface



rtps:// rtsp://


Specifying network interface card

Many DVB-IP providers have their own network isolated from common internet connection. This makes it difficult to get DVB-IP working if  you are not an expert in routing configuration. There is a workaround required to specify a network interface card. You will need to change your existing playlist URLs to another form and rescan your channels. Assume that you have current URL udp://@ and you want to specify Local Area Connection network card:.

The URL must be transformed to C:|interface=Local Area Connection|url=udp://@

Caution: This part doesn't work with RTSP protocol.

Preparing the scan

Create groups for each provider

If the option Create groups for each provider is checked, a separate group will be created for each provider that is found in the scan. Provider is an entity that owns one or more channels. Be aware that in some cases there might be only one or a very large number of different providers.
So choose this option carefully.

Enable channel movement detection

The default logic (when you don't enable this option) of scanning process is:

  1. scan finds a channel
  2. check: do we already know about a channel with this url?
    • if YES then update the existing tuning details
    • if NO then create a new channel

You can use this option when your provider move channels (it means that your provider change urls), but still preserve combination of network ID and service ID. You need to change url in your tuning parameters and channel url will be updated instead of added new channel.

The logic (when you enable this option) of scanning process is:

  1. scan finds a channel
  2. check: do we already know about a channel with this network ID and service ID?
    • if YES then update the existing tuning details
    • if NO then create a new channel


Select your DVB-IP provider from Service dropdown list and then click the Scan for channels button. When you click the Scan for channels button, the dialog should change to show the Scan progress pane:


The TV Server will scan for TV and radio channels in your playlist and output its progress in the Status pane. The Status pane shows details of the DVB-IP provider that is currently being scanned. When scanning processed is finished then MediaPortal lists the number of new channels found and the number of channels that already existed and were updated.

Signal level and Signal Quality are at 100% during scanning when channel is found or are at 0% when channel is not found.



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