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The layout, structure and tag definitions for the skin files.


Unlike web pages, XML files are not forgiving of any mistakes and using the correct case for tag names is very important. 


Skin XML Structure

XML Version and Character Encoding

Skin xmls start by defining the XML version and character encoding, usually:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

<window> element

The first element in a skin file must be the <window> tag which contains information that applies to the entire window. Here is a partial skin.xml file for example purposes. Each of the tags is defined below:

  <define>#header.hover:hover_my trailers.png</define>

Note: Not all skin xmls contain a Window ID, for example, 'common' files which are imported into 'window' xmls.

Element Name

Data Type




Each skin file must have a unique id and it must match the id in the application or plugin using the skin. This id is used to reference this skin page from a hyperlink in another skin page.



Specifies the id of the default control in this skin file


Boolean (yes or no)

Show the video/tv/music preview screen in the bottom corner when a media file is playing


Boolean (yes or no)

Automatically hide the top bar


Boolean (yes or now)

Disable top bar completely in the current window



Specify a value of "#Named Token:Replacement Value". Any occurrence of the token represented by the define's name will be replaced with the appropriate value in any imported markup. Images are imported from the Media within the current skin directory. Labels (e.g. 5900 in the above example) are imported from the language folder in the MediaPortal application folder. This element may be repeated as many times as tokens are required.

<define> tags

Define tags normally appear at the top of a skin xml for easy reference.They allow a basic form of parameter to be used so that imported files can be as generic as possible. A define tag's value is a simple name - value pairing.

  • <define> tags can be used in any XML with a window ID
  • <define> tags are entered in the window elements control at the top of the xml before the <controls>.
  • 'global' <define> tags can be also be used in the references.xml to define global values 

Note: As of v 1.3.0 beta, <define> tags are 'promoted' to skin properties to allow them to contain skin expressions, and be added to the window definition through the use of an <include> file. See Defines for further info.


The following would be a typical example of how this new feature could be used:

  <!-- include the common window features here -->
  <define>#header.hover:hover_my videos.png</define>
    <!-- include the header logo, text and other common elements -->

The value 134 in the above example references a text string in the corresponding language file. For english, this would be the ""strings_en.xml"" in the language folder in the MediaPortal application folder.

Any occurrence of the token represented by the define's name will be replaced with the appropriate value in any imported markup. The following is an example of how an imported file could look:


<controls> element

The controls element is a container for all of the controls on a page.

Element Name

Data Type




The name of a xml file to import within the same skin folder. Normally used to reference all the common markup into smaller and easier to manage files. You may have multiple import elements



Same as import - as of v 1



As of v 1.3.0 beta, skins may use any valid skin expression or skin setting that evaluates to a boolean



A graphical control. There will be as many of these as there are controls on a window

<control> element

All the GUI controls are put between the <controls> and </controls> tag and each one is contained with a <control> tag. Some controls (e.g. group) may allow you to nest subcontrols within them so you may have <control> tags within a parent <control> tag.

      <description>default button</description>


Every control is derived from a base control (GuiControl) and has at least the following attributes:

Element Name

Data Type




The id of the control. The id will couple the skin file to the code, so if we later on want to check that a user pressed a button, the id will be required and must be unique. For controls that will never be referenced in the code it is safe to set it to "1"



An optional description of the control for your reference



The type of control you want. See the list below for valid types of control



The X-position on the window for this control (left edge = 0, measures positive to the right)



The Y-position on the window for this control (top edge = 0, measures positive down)



The width of this control



The height of this control



The control id to move the focus to when the user moves left. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to



The control id to move the focus to when the user moves right. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to



The control id to move the focus to when the user moves up. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to



The control id to move the focus to when the user moves down. If not specified (or zero) MediaPortal will find the closest control in that direction to move to



Allows you to mix a color & a graphics texture. E.g. If you have a graphics texture like a blue button you can mix it with a yellow color diffuse and the end result will be green. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF



Color for a control when it is not focused. Defaults to half transparent (0x60ffffff)

<import> or <include> files

Skin files have the ability to import/include files into the skin markup using the <import> or <include> tags.

The concept is to move all the common markup into smaller and easier to manage files to minimize the amount of work required to create new skin files and to make it easier to maintain and modify existing skin files.

The <import> control should be added to the <controls> section of the xml. The elements defined in the imported file will overlay elements which are defined previously in the xml, so the location of the <import> control is significant.

Two of the most commonly imported files are common.window.xml which defines elements common to most or all windows, and common.time.xml which defines the display of the date and time on each window.

See Import or include for further details.



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