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The various ways to uninstall MediaPortal, including a 'clean' or full uninstall.
Uninstall MediaPortal
You may uninstall MediaPortal using the Windows Start menu > Programs.> Team MediaPortal or Windows Control Panel (e.g. > Programs and Features)
- MediaPortal > uninstall
- TV-Server > uninstall
The shortcut will open a dialog window listing the various uninstall methods/options:
Standard Uninstall
This is the default and recommended option. It removes the program files, e.g.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
It does NOT remove your user files or folders, e.g.
- C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
- C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
It also preserves any backup files you may have automatically created (see Backup and Restore) when updating MediaPortal.
Note: This is the method the Installer uses to uninstall MedaiPortal when you select Update. (See Installer > Select Options)
Complete Uninstall
This option removes both the program files as well as your user data files, but preserves any back up files you may have automatically created (see Backup and Restore) when updating MediaPortal.
Full Product Cleanup
This is a 'clean' uninstall. Use this method to remove all your program and user files and folders as well as any settings or keys in the Windows Registry that may be left over from previous installations.
Note: This option will remove all programs in your MediaPortal installation folder, e.g.
- C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\
Including MPTagThat
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