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 MediaPortal 1.34
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Table of Contents


An introduction to downloading and installing MediaPortal and the included plugins.

Before You Begin

Before you install MediaPortal:

  • read the section Preparing Your System
  • ensure your system meets the minimum requirements for the version of MediaPortal you are installing
  • Install the latest drivers, Windows updates
  • if you are using Windows XP SP3, make sure you have the essential patches/fixes installed 

Download MediaPortal Installer

To download either the latest stable or current test version of MediaPortal, see the main menu: Download >  MediaPortal


Many plugins are included and installed with MediaPortal (See Using MediaPortal > Plugins).

To download and install any of the great extensions (plugins or skins) available for MediaPortal, see Extensions > Installation or browse our Extensions Listings via the main menu  > Download  > Plugins & Skins 

Note: If you are installing MediaPortal for the first time, you should always follow the Setup Guides to get the basic features of MediaPortal working first before installing additional extensions.

Installer (Deploy Tool)

The MediaPortal Installer - Deploy Tool will handle all types of installation:

  • No TV
  • TV-Server, Client or both
  • new or 'fresh' install
  • reinstall 
  • updates

It also allows you to download required files independently so you can 'deploy' or install MediaPortal on multiple PCs without needing to download all the required files again.  See Download Only

TV Server vs Client

Through a series of questions and answers, the installer allows you to install MediaPortal according to your system configuration:

  • With or without TV
  • TV-Server and MediaPortal Client
  • TV-Server only
  • MediaPortal Client Only 

See Installer - Deploy Tool for more details 

New Install

The very first time you install MediaPortal on your system, the Installer - Deploy Tool allows you to download and install all necessary components for a complete MediaPortal install such as:

  • DirectX
  • MS Visual C++
  • Windows Media Player 11
  • MS SQL Express OR MySQL (If you wish to watch TV using MediaPortal).

    To download Windows Media Player 11 and MS SQL Express, the installer will give a link to download from Microsoft's website, and where the file should be saved.

    If using a 64 bit version of Windows, you will need to rename the MS SQL Express download, from "sqlexpr.exe" (the name used by Microsoft) to "sqlexpr64.exe" (the name expected by MediaPortal).

Download Only (Deploy)

The Installer includes a Download Only option to download only the required components, so you may do this separately first since it can take some time. This option also allows you to save the downloaded files in case you wish to reinstall MediaPortal on a clean OS, 'deploy' it on several PCs or install on a new disk drive. 

If the correct components are already downloaded and/or installed on your system, e.g. due to a previous installation of MediaPortal, the Installer will detect the correct components during the installation.


To reinstall MediaPortal and restore all program files on the same PC, just run the Installer - Deploy Tool again.

If you wish to reinstall the same version of MediaPortal using the Update option, or on a new OS, another PC or another HDD, you can use the Download Only option. At the end of the download, the installer will open the MediaPortal Installation folder in your Temp files folder:(e.g. C:\Users\\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp\MediaPortal Installation

You must copy the whole folder to another location, such as another HDD, USB, DVD .  Then you can run the Installer using the MediaPortal.DeployTool.exe file in that folder, which already contains all the downloaded files you saved during the Download Only option.

As long as you are using the same OS and version of MediaPortal, this can save you downloading the files again.

Fresh Install

When installing new versions or major releases of MediaPortal you are usually recommended to do a 'Fresh' install. The Installer - Deploy Tool can backup your previous data and settings for you. However, sometimes, due to changes or new features, you cannot reuse your databases for music, videos, TV, or even settings. See Backup and Restore for details.

Update MediaPortal

In many cases you can simply update your current version of MediaPortal.If the Installer detects a MediaPortal installation it will ask if you wish to perform an Update or a Fresh Install. (see Select Options for details)

As of MediaPortal v 1.3.0 this is the default option if update is possible.

Note: You can only upgrade a previous version (where the version number is older than the current version). Thus you cannot update Git builds such as Feature Branches you have tested in Area 51.

Make sure your system still meets the minimum system requirements; these may have changed for the current version!

Often Extensions such as skins and plugins will not be compatible between versions.MediaPortal will warn you if you have incompatible versions installed. To find and install compatible versions, the easiest method is to use the MediaPortal Extension Installer (MPEI).


TopicsInstaller - Deploy Tool
A step by step guide to installing MediaPortal using the Installer (Deploy Tool)
Backup and Restore
How to backup (and restore) your MediaPortal installation and files.
Uninstalling MediaPortal
The various ways to uninstall MediaPortal, including a 'clean' or full uninstall.




  1. rsbrux sagt:

    Under "New Install" it says that the MP installer offers to install MS SQL Server Express.  I don't ever recall having seen this option.  Is it still included?