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The settings in this section allow the customization of how MediaPortal 2 is displayed on your screen.



If this option is activated, MediaPortal 2 will start in Fullscreen mode vs. running in a standard window.

You may toggle between Fullscreen and window mode by pressing Alt-Enter on your keyboard. The display will cycle through the following states:

  • Fullscreen
  • Window
  • Window, always on top

MediaPortal 2 will always open in the same state it was closed before.

Startup screen

If you have more than one screen, you can chose the monitor on which you would like MediaPortal 2 to run.

Cell phone input style

Allows the use of mobile phone SMS multi tap input method instead standard. This is useful when entering text with a remote.

Enable screen saver

Activating this option will display the standard MP2 screen saver overlay after the screen saver timeout is reached.

Blank Screen

This is not an energy saving option! MediaPortal 2 uses Windows to control the Powerstates.

See Configure Windows Energy Savings

Screen saver timeout

Defines the time without user interaction before the screen saver overlay will be displayed.

Enable skin sounds

When activated, supporting skins will play navigations sounds.

Skin Settings

Skin settings are ment to customize the visual appearance of MediaPortal 2.

They are skin specific and decribed separately for each skin in the skin descriptions.



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