About rekenaar

My nick “rekenaar” has been with me for a long long time. It is an Afrikaans word translating to “computer”. Back in the days I was asked on some internet page to enter a username. My PC was the first thing that caught my eye so that was my username, of course in my first language, Afrikaans. I am very fond of my language, hence my slogan “Ondersteun Afrikaans” which translates to “Support Afrikaans”.
I am also a proud Christian who strongly believes in my own principles like Unashamedly Ethical. Same time I feel strong not judging anyone on their own believes no matter what their viewpoint, religion or even lack of religion. Everyone equal, always.
I started to use MediaPortal middle 2006 and never looked back. Was invited to join the moderator team end of 2008 and it’s been a great honor to see how the internal team operates and to try and contribute. It is also great to see the spontaneous interaction between the team members as if they are working together in real life. Well Done Team MediaPortal.